How often you open your gates?

Yah me too, but now im in the grass restauration process so Im kepping my gates closed.
Barely, i just check if other's gates are opened.
Master Crash said:
Barely, i just check if other's gates are opened.
Im doing the same on this days I don't wanna anybody in my town because im doing the GRP, so just for this days I will vist other peoples town.
Very rarely do I do either at the moment... Or even playing ACCF for that matter... I am currently occupied with Resident Evil 4 at the moment... Ya know... Killing possessed villagers and all. :)
I don't open my gates at all these days because the Town of Charm looks horrible and empty =P I need a group of Landscapers to help me out and what not =P
lol i open my gates whenever i have to do a trade or when im bored and nobod else opens there gate>.<
2 times a day, mostly because I let someone borrow my game in exchange for Zelda: Twilight Princess. <small>*WORST TRADE EVER!*</small> :gyroidverymad: