How Old Are You?

How old are you?

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i feel like an oldie at 34, but I'm surprised to find there are older people as well! Why not? It's such a cool game, and anyone can play :)
I’m 19 and turning 20 this year... It feels weird knowing that soon I’ll no longer technically be a teenager
I'm 22 turning 23 this year.
It feels weird to say that, because I basically stopped aging when I hit 15 and I still look/feel really young despite the fact I'm a WHOLE adult lol
I'm 22 turning 23 this year.
It feels weird to say that, because I basically stopped aging when I hit 15 and I still look/feel really young despite the fact I'm a WHOLE adult lol

Idk I feel like most people in their early 20s still pass as teenagers... It's just something girls say to make themselves feel better about it. Because honestly there really isn't that big of a difference physically, and the vast majority of people actually look their age and not younger. I never understood why 90% of girls claim to look younger. You DON'T 99% of the time.

Mentallythere's a massive gap yes but visually not really. It's mostly make-up and fashion sense that becomes more refined as we grow older. Until your late 20s/early 30s when the wrinkles eventually kick in

I'm in my mid/late 20s and honestly can't tell girls in their early 20s from well dressed teenagers apart
Dang. I was expecting more children. I guess childhood games last longer than I thought. ;---;
Uh, I started to feel a bit out of place because I thought most user would be below my age (21), but in reality , most are older. Whaddya know...
I've just recently turned 22! (April 7th) I feel like I'm getting old!! ;v;
I turned 13 on March 29! Kinda chill having a "quarantine" birthday (though, going out would've been nice).