How to bring a thread back to page one?


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2015
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
How to i bring my thread back to page 1, if the thread is still active but is further in the pages?

Ps: How to remove attached images?
Making a new post in your thread will bring it back to the first page. This is known as "bumping" a thread, which is a pretty common occurrence on most forums. Just make sure to space out your bumps to once every 2-3 hours or so. :)

To removed an attached image, go to the "Edit Post" link at the bottom right corner of the post in question. From there, click "Go Advanced" and scroll down a bit where you should see an option to manage attachments. You can remove any and all attachments/images from there.
Making a new post in your thread will bring it back to the first page. This is known as "bumping" a thread, which is a pretty common occurrence on most forums. Just make sure to space out your bumps to once every 2-3 hours or so. :)

To removed an attached image, go to the "Edit Post" link at the bottom right corner of the post in question. From there, click "Go Advanced" and scroll down a bit where you should see an option to manage attachments. You can remove any and all attachments/images from there.

Thank you so much for helping! This will help alot with my shop! :)