How much of a thread do you actually read before posting?

i read the title and the op and that's about it. only exception is if i see my friends posted on the first/most recent page i'll read their posts too
If the thread is just a page or two I'll read the whole thing, but if it's longer than that I'll usually just read the first and last pages and skim through the rest/look to see if any of my friends or people I like have posted in it, unless it's a topic I'm really interested in and then I'll read more.
Depends. For threads like the What’s Bothering You, or What Are You Happy About Today, I’ll read from where the site says I last read. That’s why sometimes my reactions to posts are days after the post haha. If it’s a silly question thread that either isn’t super long or I’m really interested in the answers, I’ll read all of it. Otherwise, I’ll read the OP and the answers on the last page before posting.
I read all of the title, the OP, then skim and stop when I see an interesting post before I make my own post.

But when I see a post made by ~Kilza~, I will always stop to read it.
If the topic interests me I’ll typically read a good page or two of it. But if it’s kind of like a thread i’m somewhat null on I’ll just post my opinion/thought and go
I always read the entire OP but I only read the replies before posting if I think it will affect my answer. I haven't read any of these replies for example but if it's a thread asking for recommendations for things I'll at least skim the replies (or only the first and last page if there's more than like 4) to make sure I'm giving useful recs and not just saying the same thing as 10 other people. After I post I read or skim the replies if im interested in what people said, assuming I have the time.
Depends. For threads like the What’s Bothering You, or What Are You Happy About Today, I’ll read from where the site says I last read. That’s why sometimes my reactions to posts are days after the post haha. If it’s a silly question thread that either isn’t super long or I’m really interested in the answers, I’ll read all of it. Otherwise, I’ll read the OP and the answers on the last page before posting.

There's a last read indicator?
I read the opening post and latest page usually. I don't usually read ALL of the pages of replies unless the thread doesn't have a lot of pages.
It depends on the thread. I try to keep as up to date as I can with threads like the "What's Bothering You?" and "What are you happy about today?" threads, so I will read through those as much as possible for recent posts. Other threads, like ones about favourite villagers, etc., I'll read maybe the most recent page or so.
Depends on the topic, but if it's something I am planning on responding to, I will read the first post

I don't think I really read the entirety of the thread... With the exception of Easter Egg hunting on the thread where the community can help each other for eggs and sometimes reading those pages for clues for possibly other eggs
It depends on the thread! If it's a thread for something that requires specific or opinionated answers (ex. "what villagers fit a cottagecore theme?"), I'll look to make sure nobody's already said the same thing as me. I also do the same for buying/selling/trading threads to make sure nobody's already asked for/offered the same thing(s) as me.

For discussion threads, I honestly don't read beyond the first post for the most part unless it's a topic of interest, in which case I'll read through the first or last page. The only threads I read every post in are the "what's bothering you?" and "what are you happy about today?" threads. I also look through art galleries in The Museum in full whenever a new one is posted or one I haven't seen before is bumped!
There's a last read indicator?
There isn’t necessarily, but I find that when I go to a thread I’ve been to before but it’s been a while, it will put me several pages back from the current page a lot of times. I only assume this to be the last place I left off.
If it’s large, OP and last two pages only.

If it’s an event, I look at everything to make sure I’m not submitting something that’s already been done.
i read all of the OP. if there’s a lot of replies, i’ll either read the first few or the last few, but if it’s a newer post and all of the replies are on one page, i’ll usually read or skim through all of them
I mostly just read the title and OP, but sometimes ill read a few responses usually the first few after the op and/or the most recent responses just to get an idea of what people are talking about, or if I am interested ill read a bit more posts out of curiosity