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How to commit to NL?!


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
This is my third town.

Olivine, the first, was done shoddily and under excitement. I ended up disliking my villagers and the town seemed a chore. I happily reset to get:

Limerick, the second, was a cute town with amazing villagers but I didn't commit. I spent a week on it before leaving it for a while.

Marzipan, my third and current. I am doing my own New Leaf Challenge which is quite fun although something is missing.

What is it? How do you all commit to your towns? I find myself unwilling to play for some reason.
I set goals. I still need to collect my dreamies, fill the museum, finish landscaping, pay off all three houses, and furnish all three houses. Once I do that and update my dream address for the last time, I'll be "finished" even though I'll probably still play. I have a long way to go though.
I feel commited to my town (though I will reset at some point) based on the fact I have my house almost fully paid off and a bunch of stuff.. That's the only thing hindering me from resetting.. In the beginning I was just happy to be playing AC again since it had been a while.. I've had the same town since I got the game in mid August.
I find not time travelling makes me more fun C;
knowing that you could potentially unlock something.

and i know someone people only play for about 20 minutes per day.
annnnnnnnd someone else told me to take a break from animal crossing c: *justforalittlebit*
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why do people think they have to force themselves to play animal crossing
its just another game. if youre tired of it, it's okay to get a different game and let it be
you'll probably want to play it again some time down the road
Don't attend giveaways, earn your own money to pay your loan, commit to the arts of breeding hybrids.

Achieve your own silver and gold tools, with the exception of the gold watering can which you'll need to grow hybrids.
Honestly I don't understand how it's difficult to stick to one town. o.o; I had Moonvale since the first moment I played. I didn't reset for anything. I take what the game gives me and I roll with it. That way the game feels more exciting because it's not hand tailored to fit every ounce of perfection. If I looked for perfection I'd get nothing done because I'd spend my days just trying to get everything just the way I want it and would never get to actually enjoy playing the game.
Don't attend giveaways, earn your own money to pay your loan, commit to the arts of breeding hybrids.

Achieve your own silver and gold tools, with the exception of the gold watering can which you'll need to grow hybrids.

Incorrect, the watering can comes from having a perfect town for 15 days.
Well... I see it this way. If I reset, then I am losing the work that not only I did, but a lot of other people helped contribute to. A lot of people here helped me get visits so I could get the train station upgrade and a lot of people traded to me (or just flat out gave me for free) many items. I have so many things in my catalog as a result.

It's not worth losing all of that work, IMO. So even though my town has some quirks that I wish were better, I make it work so I'm happy with it. No real life town is perfect. You don't need to make your NL town perfect.
I've had no problem committing to my town once I got everything settled. I started over three times. Once was because I thought everything was permanent and I didn't like my town name anymore. I was very upset when I first got the game because my dog had died so I named my town Fuzzy.

The second time was because I upgraded to a bigger SD card and couldn't figure out how to transfer my data. Whoops.

This time I just take what my town gives to me and I know it is going to change. That is what makes it exciting. It is evolving with my play style. I don't strive to make everything perfect because I know that it isn't going to be no matter how much I make it so. I can strive for perfection in other areas. With AC, I just want to have fun and relax. Stressing over little details won't help me relax.
ummmm, maybe acnl isn't the game for you? you clearly are not interested in it. trade it in, find a new game.
I have never understood this. I have been playing Ac since the first game came out. I have never reset my towns for any reason. I start the town and let the game play out like normal. And since WW, if I play paths down, and a villager moves in/out, I change the path to fix it up. I have never dont the whole thing to move their house to where ya want.

I think that if you cant commit to the town you start, or get bored of it really fast, than maybe AC isnt a game for you.
This probably is not a game for you, as a few other posters have said. It definitely was not for my husband so he gave me his copy. I have 2 towns now! :D For me it's fun having one that I take so much interest in, and also doing my second and having more fun and more relaxation with it and maybe get some items that I can someday give away to people who want them.
i'm just emotionally attached to my villagers

more so in a case that i wouldn't even reset if i could get them all back? just how they've been in my particular town and idk wow that sounds stupid
i simply say "MAH CHILDREN NEED ME ;_; -HOLDS MUFFY AND SKYE- MAH PRECIOUSSSSSSS~ and I play the game caring for my precious villagers .... and plotting revenge on resetti keeps me going!
To those saying it is not the game for me: I have played WW, CF and now NL. I grew up with Animal Crossing, it was essentially my childhood. Most of my memories are playing WW with all my cousins having fun together and that's why I can't let Animal Crossing go. It's just such a huge part of my life.

I think, following all of your wonderful advice, I am going to persist with Marzipan. There is nothing wrong with it! It's a lovely layout (Not perfect but hey), it's got a nice fruit (Peaches are my favourite but cherries are nice) and my villagers are alright. So I'm going to keep going and if it gets too much I will give AC a break for at least a month before coming back. Thank you all for your advice, everyone!
If you do take a break, set up the beautiful town ordnance
For me it has to be fun.

For awhile I was digging fossils, working in the coffee shop everyday, happy to be growing hybrids, etc. Then those things weren't so much fun anymore, so I buried four fossils behind my event plaza, so that no more fossils will spawn. I stopped working at the coffee shop and rarely go in to get coffee. I stored a few of my hybrids, put several in my greenhouse and just threw away a bunch of them in the garbage can.

By doing that I have changed the way I am playing the game. Now I am busy planting fall colored flowers. I still need to move some white and pink flowers. I will get to it eventually. At this moment my town is in flux...a lot of fall colored flowers and a few areas with pink and white summery flowers. I am hunting mushrooms each day. I think I will start fishing on the beach again as I used to really like doing that. I had stopped fishing and was just going to the island to hunt beetles to make bells. Now I kind of dread catching beetles. It stopped being fun, so I'll just fish and make less bells, but it doesn't matter. I have plenty of bells in the bank to do PWPs when I feel like it.

I haven't been in a big rush to get anything done or finished. I don't think I even play with an end in mind. I don't have a set plan for my town or my house. I am fine changing both up as I feel like it. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is perfect.

I play to relax and have fun.

If it stops being fun, I will set the game aside and find something else to do that I enjoy.

I agree with the previous posters who said to just work around the imperfections in your town. Those quirks are what make it unique.

I can understand maybe resetting once if you really, really hated a layout. But after some point I think resetting trying to get the perfect town and perfect villagers, etc. would be more stressful than just playing with whatever you have to work with.
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I have a Happy Home Academy score to finish, a perfect town to achieve, a museum to complete, a catalog to get to 100% and after all that, I still have more to do.
I just wanted to say thank you all for your advice, I really appreciate it. I said this earlier that I was going to keep trying and I have a really good vision for Marzipan. Also I got Olaf, who I've always kind of secretly wanted as a villager. He's Marzipan's Lionel (My one regret of resetting my first town was losing Lionel) So it's all going good. I just built the campsite and now I'm saving to go towards a new bridge. Not beetle hunting is actually very relaxing, I do a few 'chores' each day and by the end of the day I'll have around 20,000-40,000 bells. This will eventually build up and therefore I won't be just paying off all the PWPs in one go which makes me feel like I've worked for it more and appreciate it more. I'm doing a thing where at some point during playing I'll go around to every villager's house and talk to the ones that are in, and if I come across any on the way I'll talk to them to. It just makes me feel like I'm getting to know them. Also I just take it at my own pace and if I go on for 10 minutes and think of nothing else to do I'll come off so I don't 'overplay' the game essentially. I'm really enjoying my town at the moment.