For the interior, how do I get the bigger models? All i really have right now is the small-ish rooms, none of the large. I also have two-roomed houses which is even smaller. How do I get bigger models?
Go back to a house you've completed and tell them you want to build them a new house. It'll give you an option to expand bigger the first two or three times you do this.
The first time I build a house I usually just put the things I'll want in that main room or at least what I can fit in there and then I expand until the first floor is full size which I think takes like 3 times to get it to the 8X12 max size, then I rebuild another 2 times to unlock the basement and attic space. This way I get the max amount of space I can.
Three is the maximum amount of rooms. A second floor counts as a room. A basement counts as a room. And the main room, on the first floor, counts as a room.
I most like having three floors. That counts as one room each.
When you first take on designing for a given villager, or a special character, select "One Room." After doing that, go back to that villager. Let that villager know you want to give him/her a "New House." Then look over the menu and do either the second floor or the basement. After doing one of them, repeat the process of returning to that villager to do a New House. And then you can take care of that last room (whether it is the second floor or basement).
The order I like to do is: main room; second floor; basement.
Now, this is recommended if you want a villager to have three separate floors.
If you have two separate rooms on the first level, which is fine, you will only be able to do a second floor or a basement. You will not be able to have both.