HOW TO KICK unwanted residents...?


Junior Member
Jan 26, 2021
Hellooo, does Anyone know to to get rid of unwanted residents.... I was going to get fauna from here and then someone moved in.... I need help pls
Amiibo them out, or wait for them to move.

Using an Amiibo only replaces them with the amiibo. If you're trying to adopt, amiibo isn't the correct route to take.
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Ooof ty but that will take to long.. this annoys me heaps lmao

You'll have to wait for them or use TT. It comes down to RNG

Amiibos and Campers only replace the villager. It will not provide an open plot

Edit: The most important part though is that the newest villager to move in cannot move out.
You'll have to time travel if you want to kick someone out quickly. If I remember correctly it takes about 2 weeks after someone moves out naturally (they asked to leave and you said yes). After about 2 weeks someone should be thinking about moving, if you end up telling the villager that's asking to move out no then it takes about 3-7 days for someone else to ask again. Best way to do it is to go day by day, if the villager is one you want to keep: turn off the game before finishing the dialogue and travel a day ahead. Keep doing this until you get the villager you want out to ask.
youd need to tt to be able to kick someone to get an open plot quickly

the way i do it is tt a month and a day ahead, save and exit, move a month back and someone usually has a bubble over their head. if its not someone you want to rid off tt day by day after. its rng so it might be quick or it might take a while, but that method has always worked for me
Using an Amiibo only replaces them with the amiibo. If you're trying to adopt, amiibo isn't the correct route to take.

I was going by the topic title, 'How to KICK unwanted residents', so my amiibo reply was one of the correct routes.

I didn't read the part about adopting Fauna.
There are 2 ways of kicking out villagers which are Time Traveling and Amiibo Cards

For Time Traveling:
It takes 15 days for a villager to have the thought bubble of moving out. Just becareful not to time to Saturday because for whatever reason nobody wants to move on that day. When you see the villager you want to move out with a thought bubble over their head talk to them and they will say they are thinking of moving out. Say yes and then they will move out the next day.

For Amiibo Cards:
This one also requires time travel but it only takes 3 days if you choose not to time travel. Bascially use an amiibo card to invite a villager that you like, they will ask for a item when you talk to them, and if you don't have the DIY for the item they want to be crafted they will give it to you. Give it to them and if you try to make them move in they will say they will want to come back another day to be more convinced. Repeat this 2 more times and then eventually the villager will finally decide to move into your island and you can pick the unwanted villager you want to move out.

Hope this helps.
the method i use involves TT. ill skip a month ahead but put myself on the first. so for ex if im on march 22cd, it wouldnt do me any good skipping to april 1st, so id skip to may 1st. i usually dont get a thought bubble on this day, but when i TT back to april 1st i get a thought bubble every time. if the thought bubble is not on someone u want, do not talk to them. leave them and skip to the next day, then the thought bubble will go to another villager. keep doing this until the thought bubble is on the villager u want to move out. at least thats my way ! theres lost of different methods for this on the internet. im pretty sure u have an open plot for only one day. the day u tell the villager he/she can move out, they wont do anything until the next day. the next day isabelle should make an announcement about their departure the following day (lots of next days). the day isabelle makes the announcement, visiting the villagers home u should see that they are in boxes. the day after that is when u will have an open plot. sounds like ur getting fauna from another person, so that day u can head over to their island and ask fauna to come over.