How to Tell if a Villager REALLY Likes Their Vacation Home?

Oct 22, 2021
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
So I'm like midway into the HHP dlc (I've made about 20 homes and 3 facilities, I mostly spend my time remodeling) and after remodeling Ione's home, I noticed that she would occasionally dance around, similar to how villagers dance when they've had a positive conversation with another. I've never seen any of my other villagers do this. It's super adorable, but I'm just curious as to what triggers it? Has anyone else noticed this with their villagers on their HHP island? I know villagers are generally "satisfied" when you place their required furniture, but does this happy dance indicate that I've somehow surpassed these expectations?
never had that happen for me, so i am pretty curious myself.
That might be to do with their personality or hobby? Or it could be totally random. I've not noticed any of them react badly. The weirdest reaction I had was Alfonso got completely obsessed with the cauldron and just seemed to lock onto standing in front of it doing the Haunt reaction. He wouldn't leave it alone!
I had a villager give me a random gift once. Never happened again. So I'm not sure but maybe that.