How Will Card Packs Be Set Up?

Or everyone could be forgetting the fact that maybe the cards won't have a chip and will just be scanned with a QR code of some sort? This way it will be cheaper for Nintendo to make?
I know they're supposed to be "amiibo" cards, but my guess is just a QR code.
They will more than likely be randomized just as everyone else thinks.
I doubt they would make them scannable without a chip, because then you could just literally print them off. If they planned to do that, they would have made something like Pokedex 3D where they're all available on the website and you can draw them/print off "cards" if you want them.

What I mean is that if they were doing that, they wouldn't also be selling them for money.
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Or everyone could be forgetting the fact that maybe the cards won't have a chip and will just be scanned with a QR code of some sort? This way it will be cheaper for Nintendo to make?
I know they're supposed to be "amiibo" cards, but my guess is just a QR code.
They will more than likely be randomized just as everyone else thinks.
Amiibo product all have a chip in them because amiibos are scannable by the NFC reader in the Wii U GamePad. If they weren't they wouldn't be called Amiibo. QR Codes are printable. It wouldn't make sense.
99% positive they'd make it random. Otherwise they probably wouldn't make much money, seeing as the popular ones would be bought and the ones that aren't popular would sit on the shelves. Frustrating for us, but logical from a business standpoint.
It would be WAY more frustrating for us if cards were sold separately. At stores, not all the cards would be displayed at the same time bc there's 400+ of them. Then the popular villagers would be purchased, but the stores wouldn't restock bc there would still be ~300 unpopular villagers remaining. Popular villagers would become extremely rare, even rarer than Amiibos (ac is just one series so not too many would be produced, ratity of a card is 1/~400 instead of 1/like 8 per set, can't implement a 1-per-customer rule as almost all are different, bought more by scalers bc they cost less), and cost like $40+ online.

In random packs, they would be sold separately online for $2-10 probably, which is still a lot but better than $40
Hopefully number packs and species packs.
Peanut has a 95 on her card, Isabelle has a 1