Captain Crazy Chicken
The bad guys are pirates?
Rayquaza gave George the Blaziken SUCH a headache that the latter character collapsed from exhaustion, though it wasn't HIS fault. George gets headaches from Mega Evolvable Pokemon (such as his own kind), and since Rayquaza is the inventor of Mega Evolving, then the headaches only skyrocket from there. I just don't want to see my Georgie Peorgie suffer...
I deduct a point from Rayquaza, reward Camerupt with a point.
Beedrill - 3
Pidgeot - 4
Slowbro - 5
Steelix - 5
Sceptile - 5
Swampert - 3
Sableye - 4
Sharpedo - 4
Camerupt - 4
Altaria - 3
Glalie - 4
Salamence - 4
Metagross - 5
Latias - 5
Latios - 3
Rayquaza - 5
Gallade - 5
Audino - 4
Diancie - 5