i think this guide is good cause its like different from others. every other guide has the sae info on it yours has where to plant flowers to get a better chance of getting a hybrid.

everyone needs to stop hating on it a good guide.
wow the X plot sounds better cuase it touches more flowers
Thanks I'm gonna change my XXX plot to urs
seriously though, there was a hybrid guide way before you made this... why are you creating more topics when this guide isn't offering anymore information than the other one? spam if you ask me...
fvnfish said:
Oh and by the way learn how to spell wiifriends.com not wiifreinds.com..

on topic- My guide is great one of the best =)
Yours is one fo the worst.

Plus im young.

PS. stop double posting.

Gives all the cross bread tec neeks clearer, Gives better info, its fun to read.

This guide gives you pics, and info where to plant and not to palnt.

Your guide is a bunch of mumbo thats just emm...
Plus 3-5 new flowers appear in your town randomly every day it could be a hybrid or not.
planting it like
would mabey make a diffrence but its random. One they your guide does not say its inportant info.

F= flower X= space

this is how i palnt mine


fvnfish said:
none care what you have to say...nerd

why don't you make a guide?
Well your the one name calling (not very decent names)
And no im not makeing a guide theres alleady a guide on ACCF wiki and a guide on hear witch you did not take notice of.
yay 2 days after I tried planting it this wayX X
I got a hybrid! X
compared to XXXX I got only 1 every about 15 days
Thats great i told you it would help :D

and to get a blue rose u need Black roses+Purple Roses it is probably the hardest flower to get.
fvnfish said:
Thats great i told you it would help :D

and to get a blue rose u need Black roses+Purple Roses it is probably the hardest flower to get.
it's totally random if you haven't picked it up by now about people getting hybrids. your guide didn't "make" them get a hybrid like you act like it did. there were guides before yours that were better, and on this site, so i don't see why you decided to create more useless topics, as if the site doesn't have enough already. and you calling someone a nerd for not agreeing with you and pointing that out? pretty pathetic. think that's grounds for reporting you.