Hyogo's Pixelated Nonsense.

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Yep, I also draw by mouse xP

Thanks for the compliments c:
I'll make a custom sprited Villager siggy bar soon, I just need someone good with making Siggies to place it all together with! =u=

I use the touchpad ;p

Making heads of all my Villagers, Preferably for a Dreamie Sig.

Lack of detail because I'm hella lazy.
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Aw, I'll hope to finish off my other villagers sometime soon.

Thanks for the compliment, even though they're really basic! Dx
I might make other villagers after my own, Dunno though. Glad you like em c:

Otherwise, Have more Luigi, Doing a Shoryuken.

Too lazy to fix some misplaced Pixels, for now atleast :U
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Yeah, this may come across emo-ish.
I'm not going to submit anymore art so there's no use for this thread.

Requesting it to be closed, sorry if people actually liked half assed made content by me.
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