Cycling Hyogo's Temporary Cycling Thread. [Cycling in Progress...]

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Gates are open, Gotta make things quick since I wanna do alot more cycling tonight.
Yes, Then I'll end straight away and send her off to you.

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Oh goodness, I set it to local connection and not Internet, my bad.
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I was just about to ask lmao, because you weren't showing up on my list. Was worried it was something on my part.
I am back >u< Marina here I comee :D Also, brother wants computer in a half hour but i'll be on NL so you can tell me through BF chat ^^ If that's ok with you that is o-o
Sure thing! I'll let you know ASAP.

Lolly has been adopted, Thank you!

Back to cycling!
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Rosie pinged me twice in two days, both asking for a new catchphrase.

Goddammit, Move you silly Animals or I'll have to y'know...reset without you guys ;-;

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Marshal just asked to leave, Uh. Well that's one of the primary villagers nailed down.

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I need someone to hold onto Marshal ;n;
I need to nap. I'm about to pass out.
I'll let you know when I'm back (so I can hold for you)
Kay Yookey.

I can't give Marshal away, so I really need someone to hold him for me and he's already in boxes so I can't exactly tell him to stay till later.
Worth a try, but she's usually posting and her last post was over an hour ago.

I'll go and try anyway I guess.
You can? It'd really help. but I'm dropping my money off in a friends town to get after I reset.

I'll be about half an hour or somethin'
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I'm gonna go trade Marshal for a new Genji for my new town >_<

Nobody has to hold anyone...I'll get them again...somehow.

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eep, forgot to lock.
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