It's kinda been ruined for me ever since that one thing-that-I'm-not-entirely-sure-how-many-people-actually-know-about happened last year (or was it the year before?). Not feeling the hype.
Sorry kids, no Easter this year! My suit, er... my skin has a large hole in it and I'm far too modest a fella to wander around the forum with my bunny tail on display! Ol' Zipper's also getting just a little too up there in age to stay up all night hiding eggs around this place - I'd much rather be sitting in my snug little hole drinking a nice hot toddy, I mean... a nice glass of carrot juice!
Try me. I'm on a first name basis with Jesus.
You heard me. Dead or not, give me all the cats plz.what
We were planning on holding a special Easter Sunday service instead after finding out 63 of you are full of sin.
We were planning on holding a special Easter Sunday service instead after finding out 63 of you are full of sin.
When the TBT mods release a new set of eggs/clues on Easter
^linking instead of embedding because it's 25MB, dont click if you are on mobile data
I just want chocolate.
you mean 159 people? hating pineapple on pizza is the real sin
We were planning on holding a special Easter Sunday service instead after finding out 63 of you are full of sin.
Dude, I already went to Walmart with no self control bought a giant Reese's egg, two packs of the normal ones, three boxes of Cadbury eggs and a bag of Robin Eggs... and I'm sorry to say there were no survivors.
Don't! Lol, I daren't walk into a store this time of year, I don't think I could deal with the consequences. It's bad enough shopping online with all these Easter deals and it's not even March yet.
most holiday-themed candy isn't even that great, and easter's is no exception