So pumped c: can't wait to waste my life on it.
It's out in Europe.
don't get your hopes up, i thought i was going to waste my life on mario kart 8
The thing is, I love Legend of Zelda, and I love Dynasty Warriors, and I love Beat 'Em Up games in general. This is a game that I won't get sick of that easily.don't get your hopes up, i thought i was going to waste my life on mario kart 8
The thing is, I love Legend of Zelda, and I love Dynasty Warriors, and I love Beat 'Em Up games in general. This is a game that I won't get sick of that easily.
Eh, MK8 wasn't that much spectacular than MK7 on 3DS or MK8 on Wii. I never thought it was going to be that revolutionary.ew same. I play it still but not wasting my life on it by any means.Too much MKWii & MK7. MK8 just feels like the same same same again toooooo soon.
I don't think anybody would argue that Sheik is a he if they thought about it long enough. (It's just clothing, doesn't make Zelda change gender.)I got it on release (Europe, so on friday). Haven't been playing much but what I've seen of it looks great! My favourite characters to play so far have been Link (no surprises there) and Sheik since (s)he's really quick. I like Impa but she's too slow for me to play.
The little nods are great. I loved playing as Lana with the Deku Stick because of the things it morphs into. I was surprised to see Lana using the Deku Leaf at the end of a combo.I love all the little nods to older games (the wind fish loading symbol!) and how they used and remixed the music. Unfortunately it gives me a headache after a while. I've been playing slow-paced games and mostly visual novels so I'm not that used to action anymore.
How so?these reviews are kinda ruining the excitement for me ;_;
How so?
How so?
They're basically just pointing out the shortcomings of Dynasty Warriors, from what I've seen. It's still really fun to play. I'm loving Midna.they're saying pretty bad stuff about it and it makes me like, "oh."
They're basically just pointing out the shortcomings of Dynasty Warriors, from what I've seen. It's still really fun to play. I'm loving Midna.
Basically, no. Only if you want to pull off the same moves over and over again do you have to remember combos. But the window for button presses is fairly large, so it's not really a big deal, and you can overwrite previous inputs by just pressing a different one, unless the animation's already begun.midna seems really slow to me, i like fast characters
- - - Post Merge - - -
and do you have to remember combos?
Eh, MK8 wasn't that much spectacular than MK7 on 3DS or MK8 on Wii. I never thought it was going to be that revolutionary.
To be fair, Dynasty Warriors' online play is really crappy. They're not the kind of games you can easily throw online and it just works. Even the co-op is wonky.
No, she is really powerful. I thought Midna was strong, but I used Fi once and she is insanely unbalanced. About the easiest mission yet, just because of that anyone else finding Fi OP or is it just me?