Lana's Level 2 Summoning Gate mission is ****ing annoying
Don't worry, the Level 3 one is worse!
Got this weapon today as a random drop, and after I got it, I used it and got another one exactly like it. XD

Lana's Level 2 Summoning Gate mission is ****ing annoying
they released a patch that ups it to level 150.
I know the patch came out along with the Twilight Princess DLC pack, so I'm not sure whether or not you actually need to buy the pack to get it or not
Disregard this message.Peach and Fox gave me 5000 rupees each, while Kirby gave me Midna's Hair.
That's about as good as it's gonna get for me with these amiibo presents.
Hyrulian Captain defeated Ganondorf!
no you ****ing didn't you're weak as **** how did you do that
Tips on the Level 3 summoning gate mission? I can't deal enough ****ing damage in time, that's my main issue.
she's ****ing level 70 on mine and still isn't doing enough damage.
the fact that it's a bunch of aerolofos and dinalfos doesn't help
She might've been 99 when I did the mission. It seriously sucks. Along with Ruto's Level 3 weapon mission. Cucco's should not be able to revive themselves.
I want to buy this game but I'm afraid it'll get too repetitive and boring fast...
I'd say it's like Smash. The gameplay never changes a whole lot, but the scenarios you're in are vastly different.
if it's like smash I'm in~
but does it have a story mode? that's the one thing that was missing in smash
I was afraid of that too. Continuing on from what Jake. said, I got bored of Smash 4 due to its repetitive gameplay, so it didn't hold my attention much after about 10 hours of playing. Hyrule Warriors might be the same gameplay over and over, but it's still interesting to me to play after 70 hours of playing. The fact that I'm a fan of hack and slash titles might help with that.I want to buy this game but I'm afraid it'll get too repetitive and boring fast...
lol, I remember that one being awful. I still only have a C rank on it since I want to level up Fi more before I attempt it again.I'm having trouble with the adventure mide mission where you have to defeat all enemies as fi. I can get through the first 2 sets fine, but I have a ton of trouble with the imprisoned. Any tips?
I'm having trouble with the adventure mide mission where you have to defeat all enemies as fi. I can get through the first 2 sets fine, but I have a ton of trouble with the imprisoned. Any tips?