Hyrule Warriors

if youre siblings though watch out... even though youre on the same team youll be competing for whoever got the most KOs or whatever

and pls dont beat ur sister up if she does better like my brother did to me

Wat is this actually a thing?? People get butthurt on co-op coz the other person got more KO's than them????
If it has even more new characters and a new story section, then I'm definitely going to get the 3DS version, $40 for all that and portability is good enough for me.
My sister and I have a great time in co-op. I'd say go for it. It'll also save you double runs if you have prizes for two different characters in one map. (ex: Ghirahim heart piece and Zant heart container)

And no, the co-op isn't super competitive LOL. I mean, sometimes I'd get salty when my sister would steal the weak point smash, but that's not a big deal at all.
My sister and I have a great time in co-op. I'd say go for it. It'll also save you double runs if you have prizes for two different characters in one map. (ex: Ghirahim heart piece and Zant heart container)

And no, the co-op isn't super competitive LOL. I mean, sometimes I'd get salty when my sister would steal the weak point smash, but that's not a big deal at all.
"salty" for some people means death :(
but i didnt say super competitive, just a little
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Wat is this actually a thing?? People get butthurt on co-op coz the other person got more KO's than them????
Heh. My goodness. I couldn't be happier that my brother helps me through co-op; levels become less of a pain, and we both get far better and far more loot (we take turns playing on each other's profile).
I really like tetra and the king of red lions, but I'd rather play as them on my Wii U version. I'm not planning to get the 3ds version so I hope we can purchase them as dlc for the Wii U in the future...
I really like tetra and the king of red lions, but I'd rather play as them on my Wii U version. I'm not planning to get the 3ds version so I hope we can purchase them as dlc for the Wii U in the future...
I'd assume you can. Seems like a **** move on nintendo a behalf to only have them available in the Wii u game if you. Ur the 3DS version - it might kinda be like how mewtwo was for smash tho, as people who had both 3ds/Wii u versions got it earlier, and then it ep became available for purchase a few weeks after
didn't know whether to put this here of the hyrule warriors 3ds thread but this was more recent by like a week so i'll post it here instead yolo


This week’s issue of Famitsu shares an update on Hyrule Warriors Legends. For the first time since E3, we have concrete information about the title.

Famitsu confirms that Toon Link will be playable in Hyrule Warriors Legends, but there’s a catch. The character won’t be available in Legend Mode, but he will be available in other modes. Of course, Toon Link can be moved over to the Wii U version as well.

Famitsu also reconfirms that Tetra and King of Hyrule for the game. Helmaroc King will appear in some form, too.
Well, that was pretty much expected.i'm surprised they were able to fit so many characters in the 3DS, but then again Smash has an even bigger roster.
didn't know whether to put this here of the hyrule warriors 3ds thread but this was more recent by like a week so i'll post it here instead yolo


This week’s issue of Famitsu shares an update on Hyrule Warriors Legends. For the first time since E3, we have concrete information about the title.

Famitsu confirms that Toon Link will be playable in Hyrule Warriors Legends, but there’s a catch. The character won’t be available in Legend Mode, but he will be available in other modes. Of course, Toon Link can be moved over to the Wii U version as well.

Famitsu also reconfirms that Tetra and King of Hyrule for the game. Helmaroc King will appear in some form, too.

here are the famitsu scans


seems to show toon link will get a hammer weapon

ok images dont seem to be working idk so you can go here http://nintendoeverything.com/scans...nds-star-fox-zero-zelda-tri-force-heroes-more
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The Hammer is a new item and not a weapon. It will also probably be the weapon to expose the WPG on the Helmaroc King.
Toon Link has a sword (wow original) but it will be infused with wind based attacks and is supposed to be faster than even Young Link.
We'll have to see what he's actually like.
The Hammer is a new item and not a weapon. It will also probably be the weapon to expose the WPG on the Helmaroc King.
Toon Link has a sword (wow original) but it will be infused with wind based attacks and is supposed to be faster than even Young Link.
We'll have to see what he's actually like.

Ohh will definitely buy this :eek:
I think a reincarnation of the Helmaroc King (like Volga, that of Volvagia) would be neat. I wouldn't mind a few more DLC characters.

Some play of Toon Link and Tetra released, as well as showing the new Wind Waker map(s?) and new hammer and Ocarina items.
Tetra looks fun but Toon Link looks so similar to Young Link imo :/

