I accidentally posted negative feedback.

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Unfortunately, I don't think so since I don't see them on the "Currently Active Users" x: Unless they are using invisible mode o:

A mod will most likely see this, and once they get on, they'll help you. A similar situation happened to someone recent, and they were able to fix it and said if it happens, you can PM them. c:
It's only been 10 minutes since you made this thread. So depending on how long ago you sent the rating, I know there's a small window period where you can edit it yourself, but I know it's not very long, and you may have gone past it by now. I could be wrong but I think this
icon is the edit one - if it's still in color then you can click it and change it yourself. However, if it's greyed out and you can't click it, as others have said, you'll need to PM a mod and ask one of them to change it.

Edit: I just checked and the free-edit period seems to be ~15 minutes after you sent the rating, so yeah, you'll need to PM a mod.
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