i am leaving for a while


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2005
tbt was fun back in the day
then school started Truth or dare started and System came out

system making sure anything that looks like spam or a flame eaven if its not eaven close he will make sure to post that its a flame cuz he wants me banned

and truth or dare has made tbt way less fun

i will miss most of you

emphises on the word "MOST"

and with school coming i really dont have time to put up with this crap

i might and might not be back to tbt
Personal reasons shouldn't get in the way on forums, tlak to an Admin if you have problems with someone.
You guys used to be great buds, system don't post about spam, just report it


and pod, do what storm said or give me a pm with the guy who is bugging you, I just might get banned though >_>