I Called Nintendo

even more now!
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22 users reading this topic (1 Guest and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Palad][n, Horus, Bloodywolf090, Fluufy, Megamannt125, Kaylee, madison_of_townsvil, leelu, xYoh, TravisTouchdown, Nikoking, Jubstan, watercat8, -C*-, RiiRii, Zakuro 4 Life, Dragorium15, Leonardo, mr.stinki, Chronamew, Nedrian
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">21 users reading this topic (1 Guest and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Zakuro 4 Life, Palad][n, Horus, Bloodywolf090, Megamannt125, Kaylee, madison_of_townsvil, leelu, xYoh, TravisTouchdown, Nikoking, Jubstan, watercat8, -C*-, RiiRii, Dragorium15, Leonardo, mr.stinki, Chronamew, Nedrian</div>
Hey guys, I made a funny
Horus said:
watercat8 said:
Horus said:
watercat8 said:
Horus said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deepNO ONE FUN IS EVER IN CENTRAL!!!!!GIRAFFES!!!!
oh, is that what happened to bones?
i think so
I think we're the only topic that isn't hate generating. ^^ yay being nice to one another! *highfive*
wooh! i made a friend on here! *hugs back* i'd make friends with the others but there to busy hating each other ^^'
Horus said:
Members: Horus, Palad][n, Megamannt125, Kaylee, madison_of_townsvil, leelu, xYoh, TravisTouchdown, Nikoking, Jubstan, watercat8, -C*-, Fluufy, RiiRii, Zakuro 4 Life, Dragorium15, Leonardo, mr.stinki, Chronamew, Nedrian
stop stealing my job n00bz
Palad said:
[n,Dec 28 2008, 12:32:09 AM]
Horus said:
Members: Horus, Palad][n, Megamannt125, Kaylee, madison_of_townsvil, leelu, xYoh, TravisTouchdown, Nikoking, Jubstan, watercat8, -C*-, Fluufy, RiiRii, Zakuro 4 Life, Dragorium15, Leonardo, mr.stinki, Chronamew, Nedrian
stop stealing my job n00bz
Members: xYoh, Palad][n, Horus, Erica, -C*-, Megamannt125, Zakuro 4 Life, watercat8, madison_of_townsvil, Leonardo, Bloodywolf090, TravisTouchdown, Kaylee, RiiRii, mr.stinki, Chronamew
Members Posting: Fluufy
Megamannt125 said:
Palad said:
[n,Dec 28 2008, 12:29:06 AM]
Megamannt125 said:
Dragorium15 said:

So your crappy WiFi is down. Who cares? And why the hell is it the Sony Fanboy's fault?
Sony is generally the cause of all of Nintendos problems.
dumping all the blame on the playstation industry
PS3 Needs to go on a diet like the PS2 did.
i agree its too fat... :santagyroid: oh santa! sorry i havnt been on in awhile and i had never seen that one before :/
so many people reading pointless posts
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23 users reading this topic (3 Guests and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Kaylee, Palad][n, Erica, Megamannt125, RiiRii, watercat8, TravisTouchdown, leelu, pielover6, Bloodywolf090, xYoh, Leonardo, Dragorium15, madison_of_townsvil, Zakuro 4 Life, mr.stinki, Chronamew
Members Posting: Horus, Jubstan, Fluufy
watercat8 said:
Horus said:
watercat8 said:
Horus said:
watercat8 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deepNO ONE FUN IS EVER IN CENTRAL!!!!!GIRAFFES!!!!
i think so
I think we're the only topic that isn't hate generating. ^^ yay being nice to one another! *highfive*
wooh! i made a friend on here! *hugs back* i'd make friends with the others but there to busy hating each other ^^'