But anyway, the hackers got there by making a program to crack the security. And trusting nintendo as a good company, they must have put on lots of protection. I admire the hackers, yet i dispise them.Palad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:31:44 PM]If you dont know what encripting is, here is an explenationPalad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:28:56 PM]Mc donalds made a rip off of supermario world in the SNES.Megamannt125 said:No mean, they don't have any secuirity, you know PETA made a rip off of Mario Brothers called Super Chick sisters and it even has mario in it and they haven't been sued yet?Palad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:24:54 PM]like firewall or somethingMegamannt125 said:Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
unless nintendo didnt invest in that kinda stuff
I dont mean like copyright protection
How do you protect stuff you ask? you encript it. THis makes it un-usable. Only a certain pass code can open it. How secure they make the passcode is how good the protection is
When you encript something, you make it unsuable; un readable by any program or the human eye. Sometimes, they make passcodes- not always passwords. Once you put in the passcode, its usable. But, if the passcode is a password, it can take months to find it by millions of super powered computers
(by doing aa, ab, ac,ad,ae, etc)
Hackers find a way to solve it in less time, so they can access the info faster
Depends on what kind of Sony fanboy you are, most Sony fanboys hate nintendo.-C*- said:Please, we have better things to do than ruin (wait, too late for that) Nintendo's terrible online play system.Megamannt125 said:Damn Sony fanboys........
true... trueDr. Keko said:We all know why someone tried to hack the servers.......
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"></div>![]()
I hate Nintendo.Megamannt125 said:Depends on what kind of Sony fanboy you are, most Sony fanboys hate nintendo.-C*- said:Please, we have better things to do than ruin (wait, too late for that) Nintendo's terrible online play system.Megamannt125 said:Damn Sony fanboys........
lulz wut-C*- said:I hate Nintendo.Megamannt125 said:Depends on what kind of Sony fanboy you are, most Sony fanboys hate nintendo.-C*- said:Please, we have better things to do than ruin (wait, too late for that) Nintendo's terrible online play system.Megamannt125 said:Damn Sony fanboys........
But I can assure you, Nintendo's online setup is already terrible, taking it down would be a good thing.
epic truthzwatercat8 said:true... trueDr. Keko said:We all know why someone tried to hack the servers.......
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"></div>![]()
where can you log into their e3 acc?Leonardo said:Reminds me of Nintendo's E3 account.
Username: E32008
Password: Nintendo
No joke. I got tons of promotional images for City Folk that way XD
If you hate Nintendo what are you doing on this forum in the first place this is a Animal Crossing forum, which if you didn't know, was made by Nintendo.-C*- said:I hate Nintendo.Megamannt125 said:Depends on what kind of Sony fanboy you are, most Sony fanboys hate nintendo.-C*- said:Please, we have better things to do than ruin (wait, too late for that) Nintendo's terrible online play system.Megamannt125 said:Damn Sony fanboys........
But I can assure you, Nintendo's online setup is already terrible, taking it down would be a good thing.
Yes they did XDPalad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:36:47 PM]where can you log into their e3 acc?Leonardo said:Reminds me of Nintendo's E3 account.
Username: E32008
Password: Nintendo
No joke. I got tons of promotional images for City Folk that way XD
Would you rather pay to play-C*- said:I hate Nintendo.Megamannt125 said:Depends on what kind of Sony fanboy you are, most Sony fanboys hate nintendo.-C*- said:Please, we have better things to do than ruin (wait, too late for that) Nintendo's terrible online play system.Megamannt125 said:Damn Sony fanboys........
But I can assure you, Nintendo's online setup is already terrible, taking it down would be a good thing.
you like doing that, don't you?Palad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:38:10 PM]Lets gather the people
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
16 users reading this topic (1 Guest and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Palad][n, Leonardo, Horus, Dr. Keko, Megamannt125, K. K., nooky, QNT3N, Cafe, Erica, -C*-, zackattack, Dark, GiggletacoRex
Members Posting: watercat8
I <3 your siggy mant ; )Megamannt125 said:If you hate Nintendo what are you doing on this forum in the first place this is a Animal Crossing forum, which if you didn't know, was made by Nintendo.-C*- said:I hate Nintendo.Megamannt125 said:Depends on what kind of Sony fanboy you are, most Sony fanboys hate nintendo.-C*- said:Please, we have better things to do than ruin (wait, too late for that) Nintendo's terrible online play system.Megamannt125 said:Damn Sony fanboys........
But I can assure you, Nintendo's online setup is already terrible, taking it down would be a good thing.
i be seeingz meh again! XDwatercat8 said:you like doing that, don't you?Palad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:38:10 PM]Lets gather the people
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
16 users reading this topic (1 Guest and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Palad][n, Leonardo, Horus, Dr. Keko, Megamannt125, K. K., nooky, QNT3N, Cafe, Erica, -C*-, zackattack, Dark, GiggletacoRex
Members Posting: watercat8
yep.watercat8 said:you like doing that, don't you?Palad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:38:10 PM]Lets gather the people
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
16 users reading this topic (1 Guest and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Palad][n, Leonardo, Horus, Dr. Keko, Megamannt125, K. K., nooky, QNT3N, Cafe, Erica, -C*-, zackattack, Dark, GiggletacoRex
Members Posting: watercat8
No, it's not Lulu. ^^" Sorry, it's Ikuto, but I love Lulu too!!!Horus said:i be seeingz meh again! XDwatercat8 said:you like doing that, don't you?Palad said:[n,Dec 27 2008, 11:38:10 PM]Lets gather the people
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
16 users reading this topic (1 Guest and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Palad][n, Leonardo, Horus, Dr. Keko, Megamannt125, K. K., nooky, QNT3N, Cafe, Erica, -C*-, zackattack, Dark, GiggletacoRex
Members Posting: watercat8
(lelouch in sigg?!?!?)