I did it! I did it i did it i did it!!


Ghuleh Gamer Girl
Jun 18, 2013
Winter Mittens
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
I actually completed a Legend of Zelda game! I beat Ganondorf in The Wind Waker HD! I've never finished a LoZ game before!! -does a happy dance- Yaaaaaaaaay!! :D:D:D:D
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Ayy grats. I think I only ever finished Link's Awakening on Gameboy way back so gj!
I remember when me and my sister played Twilight Princess for the first time. We got stuck on a puzzle where you're in some kind of ice cave and there's some giant cubes you've gotta push into the right slots. We eventually finished it, but I remember when we bid the cartridge under the chair for years, as a symbol of our giving up.
Awesome :) I remember completing link to the past. That was my first and only ever Zelda game I completed, I'm now trying to complete link between worlds, all about the nostalgia :)
Love Zelda games
congrats o: i still haven't managed to beat a zelda game yet. there always seems to be one point where i get completely stuck and have no idea how to progress... hopefully that'll change once i get breath of the wild :D
... I have never left a Zelda unfinished :rolleyes: Anyway, lots of congrats for your first victory! :)
Now go for a second!
Cool! I have a problem with never beating most of my games. lol For Zelda games, I have only beat Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. The puppet Ganon was hard though. It took me forever to figure out how to hit it. I have Skyward Sword too, which I mostly started playing because of Ghirahim in Hyrule Warriors. I really should get farther in that game.
Congratulations on clearing LoZ Wind Waker! i do hope you can beat the other games. Or even be able to clear it again as you enjoy the game for a second times. I sometimes delete a game or do another save file to enjoy clearing the game again from start to finish.