I finally got it

Rogar said:
K.K.Slider said:
Mrmr said:
K.K.Slider said:
MasterM64 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
@MrMr I'm pretty sure its because we have so many "ZOMG UR AL MENIES WAAAAAAH IM LEAVING I PWNZOR U ALL CUZ U SUK OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" topics. Anways,welcome to TEEBEETEE (I got caught into that name lol) We have many sig and avi makers, we have an RPG in the making and much more,hope you enjoy it here!
I'm pretty good at sterio-typing noobs ^.^
Why would you stereotype yourself?
He who is without sin, throw the first stone.

Hold onto yer pebbles.
Jo_Star_Killa said:
Thanks for the welcomes ^_^ and interesting conversations. >_>
You can expect those kinda "interesting conversations" a lot around here.