I found out my timetable is off on this site.


AC Veteran
May 31, 2014
It says GMT +2 but I'm sure I live at GMT+1 I had a discussion with someone from the UK from it saying he was from from GMT+1 and I must be from GMT+2 so I believed it. but now I see all posts are 1 hour ahead of me I see the posts as 7:48 pm But it's 6:48 here is this a glitch or something?

Apologies if I'm a bit unclear english isn't my native language and living with autism isn't helping either:/ I hope I was clear enough? if not then sorry:[
I think it probably underwent changes due to the whole DST thing as well. Did you try resetting your time zone?

Otherwise you can always just switch to a time zone that's GMT+1.
Above answers are great advice. If I let my pc decide my timezone it always says GMT+1 while I'm in CEST so I feel you. Same goes for my phone. Recently I resetted the time modification on my phone and on all apps and I haven't had any trouble with it for a couple of weeks, but yea, you can try some things to fix it or just do it manually.
I think you've been misinformed by your UK friend. The UK is GMT and your post saying it was 6:48pm was posted just before 6pm for me, meaning you must be in GMT+1.

In General Settings scroll down to Date & Time Options. Set your time zone to GMT+1 and set your DST correction options to "Automatically detect DST settings". It should be correct after this.
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