I hate it when...

Haha I've never had friends come over with food.

I hate it when people push through a crowd and don't say "excuse me" like they just expect everyone to move around them.


I hate it when someone doesn't accept defeat at something. Whether it's something they do, or something their favorite thing has the majority popularity of. Just because something like MLP is more popular today, doesn't mean it's always going to be. Even I accept that my favorite MLB team, the Rangers, aren't always going to win or be popular.

I hate it when somebody dares me to do something. I could just do that thing without the pressure of somebody making me.
Yeah, mostly.

I hate it when a fanfic is rated M for language. Like, what? No, not a good excuse. I want l?mons.
Yeah, mostly.

I hate it when a fanfic is rated M for language. Like, what? No, not a good excuse. I want l?mons.

I guess. Don't really read fanfic.

I hate it when I play a game and suddenly it's 6 am and I have to get ready for work.
Agreed so much.

I hate it when I read a book/see a movie and it's disappointing because the plot sounds nice.

I hate it when the movie trailer convinces you it might be a huge blockbuster, when in the end the movie was stupid.
Agreed 100%. -glares at Hunger Games-

I hate it when I have two+ tests on the same day. FUUU-
Agreed. Too much work to make up.

I hate when I get sick and my friends wanna hang out the day my illness is the worst.
Disagree then other share in my misery *queues evil laughter*

I hate it when my cat decides to pee on the floor because he's too lazy to go to his litter box.

I hate it when during a horror movie, popcorn flies in front of the screen when someone gets scared, and ends up blocking my vision.
I don't go to the theater, so it doesn't affect me. I suppose it's annoying, though, but popcorn is bound by gravity, so it falls quickly enough.

I hate it when kids have flashy light up shoes during movies
Agreed, I hate kids in general..
I hate it when my hands are icy cold while the rest of my body is at a normal temperature.
Agreed, I wish I could take something so hair didn't grow on my legs. *gross*

I hate when people take video games too seriously. Example: When I play with my brother and he dies or something, he has a fit. Seriously.
Agreed, that can be so annoying.
I hate it when stores sell products before their street date..
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I hate it when I forget to fill out the second half of what's required in a topic like this. :<