Does anyone know how long the petitions are good for until they expire?
Also, Mint, what is your icon from? It looks like Animal Crossing!
Also, Mint, what is your icon from? It looks like Animal Crossing!
I think they're good for about a day, but if you wait too long (even on the day you receive it), your villager may reject it when you bring it to them. I can open. My fc is 1547-6122-9653. I have added you.Does anyone know how long the petitions are good for until they expire?
Also, Mint, what is your icon from? It looks like Animal Crossing!
I can be open in 5 minutes, but can't stay open too long. I also have a villager who set to move out tomorrow- if you are looking for a new villager. She's cute, a pink pig with flowers, can't remember her name... Tami or something...