Pokémon I have personal issues about liking a Pokemon that is not loved by everyone

I felt the same way when I saw Popplio and fell in love? Then people started calling Popplio ugly and making fun of him and it really made me sad because Popplio is so cute??? And it's usually people who liked Rowlet who would say that so it's like "yeah rowlet is cute too but that doesn't mean you should bash other pokemon???"

I have started an ita bag for Popplio and even bought a Popplio hoodie. Like seeing Popplio just makes me happy when I'm feeling down.
Don't let anyone be rude to you for liking something. If your 'friends' say that, they're NOT friends. Be yourself, no one should change who you are.

Also i like Sneasel. So don't let others judge.
Hey, the whole sneasel line is really great, absolutely nothing wrong with it
Some other great under-appreciated Pokemon are scolipede, gastrodon, aggron, scrafty, and ampharos ( I think?), just to name a few
It's pretty awful that people are genuinely bullying you just for liking a Pokemon. I think Pansear's a major cutie! If I remember correctly, I think I have a plush of one of the other elemental monkeys, Pansage, somewhere in my Pokemon collection. The elemental monkeys are super cool!!

While I'm not gonna lie and say I hate Pikachu, I think that the amount of Pikachu products that exist and overall Pikachu fandom can be a little intense. I'm personally a pretty big Raichu fan, wish they got a little more love haha! In general, I think most Pokemon are really cool, and even the ones I don't personally like, I think it's unfair to be like "I don't like this Pokemon so no one can!".

Overall, I really love hearing that someones favourite Pokemon is something more obscure. It's really interesting to meet people who can really love something that doesn't have a huge fanbase.
Like whatever pokemon you want and screw what other people say. Pansear is a cutie patoot.
Sometimes I get sad because my favorite Pokemon is actually Simipour! He is my absolute favorite and has been for a long time, but when I look him up on Tumblr almost /everyone/ makes fun of him and his brothers. It's awful. There are way uglier Pokemon than the elemental monkeys.

Don't feel bad about liking an unpopular/hated Pokemon. If they're considered an "ugly duckling" and you find them cute, that just makes them all the more special to you! At least, that's how I feel about Simipour.