I have Shampoodle

Ah, no worries! I got the new 3DS XL so my friend code is different until I can do a system transfer. Just let me know whenever you're ready. ^~^
If anyone gets error messages it's probably because someone is getting their hair done. You just have to keep on trying to get in. :)
I'd love to drop by, if that's convenient.
My 3DS code is 4527 - 7867 - 6267!
It's so lovely and generous that you're doing this for people, especially since so many would have to wait so long for the hair they want otherwise. Thank you so, so much, again!
flutter and scarlet added

done adding tonight
will host again tomorrow night
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Thank you so much for letting us use it! I'll definitely try to stop by again tomorrow since I messed up with my hair;;
Yours looked cute! I messed up too, haha but I'mma keep it until I get my own Shampoodle to let others have a chance.
Yours looked cute! I messed up too, haha but I'mma keep it until I get my own Shampoodle to let others have a chance.

Haha yeah, I admit that it kinda does look cute on me, but it isn't the hairstyle I planned since I'm planning to wear one to go along with some dress for my character. But yeah, I'll try giving it one last go, then I'll try being patient for Shampoodle to be available at my town!

btw, I love your icon ;v; just saying! (its my cherished childhood)