no i woke up this morning and was asking my mom to get ready so we could go to walmart she said she would yesterday but today she said she wouldnt and i was acting like a 5 yr old bcuz i wanted something so badly b4 christmas D:<
my parents took me to walmart and we picked it up! 8D
unfortunately after getting home my mom says " you know where that goes" and into the closet it went DX
(after she said that i pretended to walk towards the tv XD)
Well its the 23rd here so 11 days yay. Ok my plans are go to school, finish school, catch the train to town, go to ebgames, pick it up, then get my dad to take me home. Then some full on action packed ACCF, while my parents are out to dinner.
Yeah but your lucky you get to play it on christmas and after. I have to fly to scotland on th 18th so that 15 days of play and I don't come back to the 21 of febuary