I need 300 bells (TBT shop)

don't spam

I agree with you. Tell him to take a long walk off a short pier!
shut up.
This was resolved through PM and you're just stirring the pot, once again. And not to mention you bumped

Just to let you all know, that AC thing was mine first. You heard it ALL here!
no one cares

Idc if this sounds rude, when it was bumped the first time people having a go at me, i reported it and no one seemed to care, so I'll just handle it myself.
Guys calm down. Bidoof stop being rude.

what do you expect to happen when I report a post which flamed me saying the problem has been solved, which gets ignored. And then they flame me again and no one from the staff team has even bothered to come and say "guys chill, stop flaming bidoof, the problem was solved via PM"
ofc i'm going to be rude, especially when someone decided to bump the thread and flame me some more, pretty much saying i should die.

yes I understand my humor wasn't obviously understood by everyone - but i did actually apologze to them in this thread.
and yet i still get flamed

yup yup great (y)
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Bidoof, I excepted your apologies, that was it. I don't understand how this has got into a big arguement with 3 pages long!!