I need New Friends and Peaches :)


Shark Horseman
Jul 21, 2013
100% (14) +
I'm new to this Forum, and forums in general. I'm looking for people to play Animal Crossing New Leaf with.
Make new friends, and get my hands on some peaches (the only fruit I need)
Also how do you actually add people you play with over the Internet? I know you click on the orange square smiley face, then hit Internet, then type in their friend codes, but how would I know if they added me back?

Thank you!

Moving your thread because it's in the wrong place. I'm moving it to retail but i'll answer your other questions.

You won't know if someone added you back unless you talk to them.
If you have to input a name after adding the friend code, they haven't added you. If you've added a friend card and it's grey without a Mii, they haven't added you. Once you open your friends list and it TELLS YOU they were successfully registered, they have added you. Their friend card will then have a Mii on it. If they HAD a Mii and one day do not, you have been deleted. It happens frequently. Especially with people who do a lot of trading.
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