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I never knew being a "bad mayor" can be so fun!


Senior Member
Jun 27, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Dusty Scroll
You probably remember the roundtable with the developers when this game was being developed. They said that you could be a good mayor and actual work or be a bad mayor that slacks off and does absolutely nothing to help the town. Well, I picked to be that I am absolutely loving it. Let me just tell you the things that I have done.

First off, every time I get a piece of furniture for free (whether it's from a neighbor, tree or balloon present), I immediately sell it on a flea market space at re-tail. That's not so bad right? Well, whenever I sell an item, I double the price and I sometimes even estimate it too. That means that if something is 700 bells, I will double it to 1,400 bells and then estimate it to 1,500 bells. I rarely plant trees around my town unless I am trying to plant fruit trees. I usually only send letters with gifts (and they usually are just junk like regular fruit and even trash) to my neighbors to get stuff from them to sell, unless they are a character that I really like, and even then it's still for the same purpose. I have a megaphone and a net and sometimes I get tempted to hit someone with my net or yell at them with my megaphone. Most public works projects are for my own personal gain or if I just feel like building it. I only accept to do errands for villagers just so I can get stuff from them that I can sell for money. I only go to the island for money and maybe for a souvenir. I only passed the night-owl ordinance so I buy stuff and make money late at night. My next goal is to build police stations so I can take stuff that isn't mine and sell it. I literally have 700,000 bells in my bank and I rarely spend a lot of the money in my bank unless I just don't feel like going to the island for money to pay off my public works projects or my loan. I am basically creating a communist and totalitarian town where I basically have all of the money and have control over everything.

Well, it's not like I am playing the game in an unintended way. The commercial says "You're the mayor here, and you decide how your town grows". I am deciding to grow my town in the most corrupt way possible. It also says "You can design your world just how you like it". A world where I own everything and I have basically all the money is my world just how I like it (Although, in real life I wouldn't be greedy or selfish with it. In fact, I would actually do something good with that kind of power). One of the tourism trailers says "where you can do what you want to do and create you happy place". A place where I have control over everything and I have basically all of the money is my happy place.

So, how do you guys feel about this?
I support this completely. I do have great sympathy for your poor villagers though.
Sounds boring IMO I like being a good mayor and planting flowers and tree and other projects I mean it is for me because well I'm real.
I support this completely. I do have great sympathy for your poor villagers though.

They don't seem to be having a problem with it. I do everything secretly behind their backs. Also, about the hitting them with nets and yelling at them, I rarely do that. I just get tempted sometimes and give into it. Lastly, I don't do that with all of them. What I am doing can be summed up into these rules.

- - - Post Merge - - -

The rules of my town

1. I have the right to show favortism to villager I like and discriminate/mistreat villagers I don't like.
2. I have the right to take advantage of villagers behind their backs.
3. I have the right to steal anything from the lost and found that isn't mine.
4. I have the right to do things only for my own personal gain.
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i try to be a good mayor but ugly villagers must endure the wrath of my forceful pushing, fishing net. pitfall seeds, daily complaints, written letters full of cusswords, and ignoring them

: D it is fun pissing off villagers you hate!
chillv, your attitude is .. compelling. It is your game, so go ahead. Enjoy that totalitarian regime! The only villager I discriminate against is Cobb. Because I hate him and his creepy sickly-green, bleeding-bandaged head.
I'm not really seeing what is "Bad" about what you do. Sure you say you do the various things for your own selfish purpose but the fact is you are doing things for your town. raising the price in the flea market is normal, you do errands because you want the payment, but you are still doing the errand, basically by trying to make more bells, you are in effect doing good for your town as well.

Being a bad mayor would be cutting down all the trees, not building any public works projects, not buying items in the shops so they cant expand, destroying all flowers, not donating anything to the museum, never talking to neighbors or if you do telling them no to what ever they ask.
It's your game, you should be able to do whatever makes you happiest. I won't judge you, because it's not like your decision affects my town in any way.

Although I'm guilty of the whole 're-selling at ridiculous prices then forcing villagers to buy them' myself. But they rip me off all the time with their stupid trades (Whale Shark for a Modern Cabinet? Uh-uh, no way Flo lol) and selling me fake paintings and what-not, so it's only fair.
I'm fairly certain the mechanics of the game dont realize your plan, and see you as literally just playing the game.
That's actually funny
I think to be the worst mayor you'd have to cut down all the trees and leave next to nothing
and dont pull weeds
and keep whacking everyone with nets and stuff
but i dont know how thatd be fun after a while..
when i saw there was a "surveillance center", a barbed wire fence you could put around your house, and a monocle, I almost named my town Stalag13 and my character Klink after the old show Hogans Heroes... its set in a WWII POW camp in Germany, but its funny.
Maybe they will come out with Animal Crossing New Leaf Bad Mayor edition. With such ordinances as extortion, drug trafficking and money laundering. Oh and the ability to shake down neighbors.
Maybe they will come out with Animal Crossing New Leaf Bad Mayor edition. With such ordinances as extortion, drug trafficking and money laundering. Oh and the ability to shake down neighbors.

That would be awsome! I would buy it in a heart beat. However, I don't think my parents would like it.
Also, the reason why I am doing this with my town is because believe it or not, I love the feeling of power and being unstoppable.
Keep on being the worst mayor you can be! Change your flag to a nazi swastika.

Sometimes I hit my neighbors with nets and dig holes around them so they can't get out. It's so much fun.
I don't pay much attention to my villagers. I pretty much do my own thing and only talk to them a few times a day. I haven't begun hitting my villagers with the net yet, but after a 9th villager moves in I'm making Hippeux move by being mean. I am going to use your tip of sending the villagers junk to get stuff to sell. And I already planned to use the police station to get free stuff to sell anyways. I do plant a lot of trees and flowers, though.
It seems like you're still doing what you're supposed to do, but just calling it something different. You're still doing chores for villagers...you're just selling their gifts, which is something I do too, if I don't like what they gave me. Sometimes I write awful letters too, but it's still writing letters.
This idea made me laugh out loud. I approve of your dictatorship! Keep up the good work. ;)
I was a kind and just mayor until Becky came camping and I accidentally asked her to move to Twelve.... and then she moved in the exact place where my cafe was set to be. Now I have no choice but to hit her with my net until she leaves.

That sounds awful.

I prefer to rule with love rather then fear, while secretly having everything in my complete control. >:D
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