• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

I played this weekend! (6/29-6/30/19)


Sleepy Bear
Aug 17, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Ancient Candle
Voodoo Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
I didn't just play this weekend. I also played here and there throughout the week. Not much more than doing my dailies, tho. Work is really ramping up on our house and we're ALMOST DONE. So between painting and packing and cleaning, I've gotten a few hours in here and there.

Let's see... In Fujimori, I finally got my town tree big enough to sit under. I only have had 24 visits to town! D: I gotta get that number way way up if I'm going to redo my train station.

Basically at this point, I'm waiting on Leif to sell me all the correct bushes. Once I get those in place, I'm going to start moving my flowers around (I HAVE LIKE A BILLION OKAY) to where I want them, then I'll start laying down grass paths to cover my actual grass. At least, that's what I'm contemplating. I want it to look complete, and I feel like towns with grass paths look super complete. Even if I don't do grass paths, I'll probably do water paths or something. I just want to make it look special and I have so many free QR spaces on my alts. I want to make Fujimori beautiful, but I can't until Leif stops being trifling and sells me more blue hydrangeas and sweet olive starts!!!!

Of course, when I have time to play regularly again, I could just buy a bunch from people too. I'm super pumped for when I can do that again. Home improvement is KILLING ME. I also have some items I can only get through RV cards that I don't have. My poor babies' houses are so empty. :(

Speaking of the alts and their houses, I got everyone a right wing built. I wanted to get their left wings built last night, but I ended up just watching TV and reading until I fell asleep instead of playing. They'll get those at some point this week. Then I can start looking out for the zen exteriors for them. I'll feel a lot better about their houses (even if they remain empty) when they get zen exteriors.

The bamboo is slowly taking over the southern half of my town, lol. TBH, I kind of like it. However, I know when it gets to a certain point, I'm going to have to start cutting some of it back. I really like the look of cut bamboo in towns, so I'm going to try and do that strategically when the time comes for it. Until then, I'm cool with it growing around my zen garden, my well, my bell, and my hot springs.

Biskit pinged me to move. I'm pretty excited because his house is in the middle of my path, so that will only leave 3 more that I have to worry about. But honestly, I wanted it to be Sprinkle. I can't build my second bridge until she moves. I'm still operating with just the one, even though I've unlocked the one I want. I'm thinking that after Biskit leaves, I'm going to do the diving trick and get her to leave, lol. Then my next priority will be Mira, followed by Teddy. Then I will have no villager houses ruining my paths! Gosh, this has been a long process, lol.

I spent a lot of time working on Gracey this weekend. I ultimately decided that I didn't like the paths I'd created for myself and did a lot of searching through pinterest and tumblr until I found a simple path that I liked. It's not as dark and cracked as I wanted it to be, but I really like it, so I'll live. I've modified it a bit to go through some stumps and rocks, though, so it does look like the path has been ruined over time, so that's making me really happy right now.

Still don't have a lot of PWPs. Been working on saving money and building houses. Also, none of my villagers will ping me to make PWPs! The only one I got was a hot spring, which will not jive with the theme of this town. So sorry, Robin. You did not help at all!!!!

I got the exterior of Mayor William's house how I want it. I've also got his right wing built. Working on paying that off so I can get the left wing built and balance it out. Then instead of adding more rooms to his house, I'm going to enlarge Leota's house until the room is 8 x 8. Then I'll move on to Connie's before ultimately going back to William's. It looks like I'll actually get their houses done (if not the interiors) before I start placing most of my PWPs, lol.

I do have to pwps placed, tho. I believe I mentioned building a little graveyard in front of William's house. Well, I've got street lamps in what will be the two top corners of the enclosure once I can start buying bushes. It looks really spooky at night, especially with the trees surrounding it. I was thinking of cutting them down, but I might keep a few of them to make it looks overgrown and abandoned. There is also a little jut out near the bottom of the graveyard area by the lake. I think I'm going to try to put a bench there. If it won't fit, then I'll just do more bushes, but I'm pretty sure it will go there. It'll be really nice.

I've been letting my weeds grow around town for a week or two at a time before pulling them all. I do want to get the perfect town rating eventually so I can unlock some PWPs to use, but I also kind of like seeing the weeds. They will eventually be there permanently, so it kind of goes with the aesthetic that I want. I actually kind of miss them when they're gone, lol. But hopefully I will get the weeding badge this way.

Marshal will be leaving on the 7th of this month, so I've got to find another villager to replace him. One of my dreamies. Let's just hope I remember to do it. And I think I will advertise for Marshal too, because I know people like him and will probably want him. I just don't know how much time I'll have to play on the 7th.

So yeah, not a lot, but enough to post about. Coming along very very slowly, lol.

I'm also thinking about starting to TT, just so I can get people moved out and because I don't play every day anymore. Will you guys still love me if I 'cheat'? :(