I think I broke the game, Redd won't appear? *FIXED*


Professional Procrastinator
Oct 20, 2015
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Buy a painting from someone else, whether it's through their Redd or whatever doesn't matter - donate it to Blathers! On the day the museum is shut down for construction, REDD will be parked at your secret beach and fully reset - selling you what was supposed to be your first (and always genuine) painting!

Inb4 I get comments about how TT is bad etc etc, I know, I do it anyway, please don't comment unless it's something related to the issue;;

Redd won't appear for me at. all.

On the 23rd March, I went and said hi to Leif and Blathers so he could tell me about the museum expansion, and then I TT'd to the 22nd, then back to 23rd to get new bushes from Leif.
You see, I spoke to Blathers, but then I TT'ed back then forward again and now no matter how many days I TT forward and search my entire island - Redd is nowhere!
Has anyone experienced Redd going MIA too, or any suggestions on what to do atleast? Maybe a fix if it's a more common issue? Idk what to do ;-;


Apparently there are 4 "fixes" to this, all of them require a bit of work

- Going back to the date you spoke to Blathers - this has been confirmed to work for some, but not everyone. It's worth a try, though!

- Time travelling persistently forward. Can confirm this does not work for everyone (atleast not me) I was years and years ahead now, I did the whole 1 day forward for months, then I skipped months, half years, years, decades, etc.

- Having a second character on your Island. Make them talk to Blathers, who should then spawn Redd to wander your island - talk to him, by is painting, donate it, and the next day Redd will show you his boat and his shop will officially reoccur frequently. (UNCONFIRMED)

- FIX #4 (personally confirmed): Buy a painting from someone else, whether it's through their Redd or whatever doesn't matter - donate it to Blathers! On the day the museum is shut down for construction, REDD will be parked at your secret beach ready with goods!!


I did pretty much everything besides those 3 up there by now. I let days naturally glide back, I talked to Blathers countless times, I let days naturally glide by, I tried donating a painting (which I failed at, I bought a fake one on accident... >_>), I spoke to Redd on another island, I skipped several decades ahead, I checked multiple times a day etc. I'm patient, and can't expect people to read the whole thread as it's getting longer, but I did all the obvious things (and less obvious) and I'm still stuck
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Mine is MIA too. I don't know what to do about it.. I considered trying buying art from someone else in the meantime to give to Blathers and see if it does anything. :/ I shut off while talking to him because I was going to do the same thing as you and now he's just gone.
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Mine is MIA too. I don't know what to do about it.. I considered trying buying art from someone else in the meantime to give to Blathers and see if it does anything. :/ I shut off while talking to him because I was going to do the same thing as you and now he's just gone.
That's actually a good idea, but frustrating to wait! Hopefully they'll patch it or there's an easy fix somewhere ;-;
Is the ship at your island?
If so he most be roaming, if not try talking to blathers again and TT a day forward.
Is Redd meant to appear the day immediately following Blathers telling us about the expansion? Maybe just wait for a natural day to go by and see what goes on...?
As far as I've seen, yeah! But even so, after a full week he should've been here already >< I don't think just waiting real hours would make any difference to just TTing forward

Is the ship at your island?
If so he most be roaming, if not try talking to blathers again and TT a day forward.
Nope, no ship! I also tried talking to Blathers every single day, then TT forward to see if Redd would be there. No dice. :c
Maybe buying art for someone would be a solution.
Trying 1 week forward TT?
Visiting an island with him?
I TT some days to kick out a villager and he is here if you want to try.
He is already on his boat though. Maybe you need to find someone playing today, since most people have him atm.
Maybe buying art for someone would be a solution.
Trying 1 week forward TT?
Visiting an island with him?
I TT some days to kick out a villager and he is here if you want to try.
He is already on his boat though. Maybe you need to find someone playing today, since most people have him atm.
Maybe so, I'll try! And if he's on your island right now, could I possibly come visit and talk to him maybe? Try and see if it works?
Maybe so, I'll try! And if he's on your island right now, could I possibly come visit and talk to him maybe? Try and see if it works?
Sure, he is on his boat, so idk if you will be able to enter, I'm sending you a dodo.
His boat is at the north island, aka the hard one to get to via basically only the ladder, at least on my island. I checked all my beaches but that one and got scared Redd would never appear lol. I TTd to tomorrow to look at that beach and he was there.
try setting your clock to 4:55 and just let the day run naturally, i find it works better for loading different thing rather than instantly tt'ing through the internal clock
His boat is at the north island, aka the hard one to get to via basically only the ladder, at least on my island. I checked all my beaches but that one and got scared Redd would never appear lol. I TTd to tomorrow to look at that beach and he was there.
I already know, yet no ship >< Bought a piece of artwork, will test what it does to my game and if it'll make him appear for me
try setting your clock to 4:55 and just let the day run naturally, i find it works better for loading different thing rather than instantly tt'ing through the internal clock
I'll try! If donating some art to Blathers wont work then I'm out of ideas and will try ANYTHING ;-;
Redd only appears the following day after the conversation about Art is triggered from Blathers. You'll see him wandering around tomorrow and he'll sell you a genuine copy of art to donate, which will then trigger the museum update the following day (closed for a day).
So.. uhm.. I accidentally bought a fake painting.. and can therefore not test if Redd will return now if I upgrade the museum. Hoping atleast interacting with him will fix my issue, gonna TT some more Q_Q
Redd only appears the following day after the conversation about Art is triggered from Blathers. You'll see him wandering around tomorrow and he'll sell you a genuine copy of art to donate, which will then trigger the museum update the following day (closed for a day).
I know, but he wasn't there the following day :) I think me time travelling back to the 22nd, opening the game to update the save file, then closing to move onto the 23rd for new Leif shrubs bugged him for me. When I was supposed to get Redd the 24th, he didn't come - and he didn't the 23rd either.

I'm now at 2nd May and no Redd.
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This might be a crazy idea, but you.could just try waiting until tomorrow.
I'm gonna try the TT to 4:55 and let the next 5 minutes naturally go by
yeah even if he doesn't show up, i'd keep trying that, there's weird restrictions on tt'ing backwards and then forward, i found that the day didn't quite completely reset itself until i let it run naturally (i.e flowers didn't spawn, no new items in the shop). can't say for sure but worth trying
I did the exact same thing. Just keep TT'ing forward until he shows up again. His ship will show up on the map.
yeah even if he doesn't show up, i'd keep trying that, there's weird restrictions on tt'ing backwards and then forward, i found that the day didn't quite completely reset itself until i let it run naturally (i.e flowers didn't spawn, no new items in the shop). can't say for sure but worth trying
I know TTing backwards means the day won't reset, always been like that in AC and that's why I did the stunt with hopping to the 22nd then back to 23rd - but it makes no difference TTing forward and letting it run forward itself, none that I've atleast noted so far;;
I did the exact same thing. Just keep TT'ing forward until he shows up again. His ship will show up on the map.
I'm trying ;-;
I know TTing backwards means the day won't reset, always been like that in AC and that's why I did the stunt with hopping to the 22nd then back to 23rd - but it makes no difference TTing forward and letting it run forward itself, none that I've atleast noted so far;;

I'm trying ;-;
It took a bit but he showed up for me and I'm all set now.