Professional Procrastinator
Buy a painting from someone else, whether it's through their Redd or whatever doesn't matter - donate it to Blathers! On the day the museum is shut down for construction, REDD will be parked at your secret beach and fully reset - selling you what was supposed to be your first (and always genuine) painting!
Inb4 I get comments about how TT is bad etc etc, I know, I do it anyway, please don't comment unless it's something related to the issue;;
Redd won't appear for me at. all.
On the 23rd March, I went and said hi to Leif and Blathers so he could tell me about the museum expansion, and then I TT'd to the 22nd, then back to 23rd to get new bushes from Leif.
You see, I spoke to Blathers, but then I TT'ed back then forward again and now no matter how many days I TT forward and search my entire island - Redd is nowhere!
Has anyone experienced Redd going MIA too, or any suggestions on what to do atleast? Maybe a fix if it's a more common issue? Idk what to do ;-;
Apparently there are 4 "fixes" to this, all of them require a bit of work
- Going back to the date you spoke to Blathers - this has been confirmed to work for some, but not everyone. It's worth a try, though!
- Time travelling persistently forward. Can confirm this does not work for everyone (atleast not me) I was years and years ahead now, I did the whole 1 day forward for months, then I skipped months, half years, years, decades, etc.
- Having a second character on your Island. Make them talk to Blathers, who should then spawn Redd to wander your island - talk to him, by is painting, donate it, and the next day Redd will show you his boat and his shop will officially reoccur frequently. (UNCONFIRMED)
- FIX #4 (personally confirmed): Buy a painting from someone else, whether it's through their Redd or whatever doesn't matter - donate it to Blathers! On the day the museum is shut down for construction, REDD will be parked at your secret beach ready with goods!!
I did pretty much everything besides those 3 up there by now. I let days naturally glide back, I talked to Blathers countless times, I let days naturally glide by, I tried donating a painting (which I failed at, I bought a fake one on accident... >_>), I spoke to Redd on another island, I skipped several decades ahead, I checked multiple times a day etc. I'm patient, and can't expect people to read the whole thread as it's getting longer, but I did all the obvious things (and less obvious) and I'm still stuck
Buy a painting from someone else, whether it's through their Redd or whatever doesn't matter - donate it to Blathers! On the day the museum is shut down for construction, REDD will be parked at your secret beach and fully reset - selling you what was supposed to be your first (and always genuine) painting!
Inb4 I get comments about how TT is bad etc etc, I know, I do it anyway, please don't comment unless it's something related to the issue;;
Redd won't appear for me at. all.
On the 23rd March, I went and said hi to Leif and Blathers so he could tell me about the museum expansion, and then I TT'd to the 22nd, then back to 23rd to get new bushes from Leif.
You see, I spoke to Blathers, but then I TT'ed back then forward again and now no matter how many days I TT forward and search my entire island - Redd is nowhere!
Has anyone experienced Redd going MIA too, or any suggestions on what to do atleast? Maybe a fix if it's a more common issue? Idk what to do ;-;
Apparently there are 4 "fixes" to this, all of them require a bit of work
- Going back to the date you spoke to Blathers - this has been confirmed to work for some, but not everyone. It's worth a try, though!
- Time travelling persistently forward. Can confirm this does not work for everyone (atleast not me) I was years and years ahead now, I did the whole 1 day forward for months, then I skipped months, half years, years, decades, etc.
- Having a second character on your Island. Make them talk to Blathers, who should then spawn Redd to wander your island - talk to him, by is painting, donate it, and the next day Redd will show you his boat and his shop will officially reoccur frequently. (UNCONFIRMED)
- FIX #4 (personally confirmed): Buy a painting from someone else, whether it's through their Redd or whatever doesn't matter - donate it to Blathers! On the day the museum is shut down for construction, REDD will be parked at your secret beach ready with goods!!
I did pretty much everything besides those 3 up there by now. I let days naturally glide back, I talked to Blathers countless times, I let days naturally glide by, I tried donating a painting (which I failed at, I bought a fake one on accident... >_>), I spoke to Redd on another island, I skipped several decades ahead, I checked multiple times a day etc. I'm patient, and can't expect people to read the whole thread as it's getting longer, but I did all the obvious things (and less obvious) and I'm still stuck
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