I think I broke the game, Redd won't appear? *FIXED*

It took a bit but he showed up for me and I'm all set now.
Awesome to hear! I'm still TTing forward, did the 4:55 thing and let it naturally glide to the next day and no Redd. I'm just gonna keep hopping a day forward >>
Awesome to hear! I'm still TTing forward, did the 4:55 thing and let it naturally glide to the next day and no Redd. I'm just gonna keep hopping a day forward >>
Have you solved it? Im in the same boat, no Redd to be found :(
I'll be honest, I haven't seen leif or redd yet. I thought my timing was just off but now that you mention it....
Have you solved it? Im in the same boat, no Redd to be found :(
Nope, still trying to TT further and further forward ;-; I'm halfway through May now
I'll be honest, I haven't seen leif or redd yet. I thought my timing was just off but now that you mention it....
Leif appears occasionally on the plaza, but Redd is being buggy ><
I have the exact same problem...I'm starting to think it's a bug. I originally went back a few days to reset some things on my island, talked to blathers about art, then skipped back to the current day not realizing redd was supposed to show up the next day. I tried time traveling forward into may as well, didn't get him. I tried going back, talking to blathers again, then forward one day at a time up to today (talking to blathers every day just in case), still nothing. I'm going to try and give blathers a real painting if i can get one from a friends island and see if that resets it. let us know if you try something like that and it works! i have no idea when I'll be able to try it, lol
I have the exact same problem...I'm starting to think it's a bug. I originally went back a few days to reset some things on my island, talked to blathers about art, then skipped back to the current day not realizing redd was supposed to show up the next day. I tried time traveling forward into may as well, didn't get him. I tried going back, talking to blathers again, then forward one day at a time up to today (talking to blathers every day just in case), still nothing. I'm going to try and give blathers a real painting if i can get one from a friends island and see if that resets it. let us know if you try something like that and it works! i have no idea when I'll be able to try it, lol
I tried giving him a painting (but it was fake, so he just rejected it and I gotta find a real one) but that did nothing. From others on the thread, it looks like I just gotta keep TTing forward, but May is almost over and I haven't skipped a day Q_Q I'll let you guys know if/what I have success with!
I've had the exact same issue!!! I'm hoping if i just naturally let time progress he'll eventually show up, since someone said apparently its random, but if you find a set fix for it please let me know! ill watch this thread
I've had the exact same issue!!! I'm hoping if i just naturally let time progress he'll eventually show up, since someone said apparently its random, but if you find a set fix for it please let me know! ill watch this thread
Looks like it's a more common issue than I first anticipated x_x I hope Nintendo will notice and fix it!
I wish us all luck in fixing it ;_;
So, you did get him to show up? Good! At least you know it isn't a bug or something. His visits are just random. Good luck finding him!
So, you did get him to show up? Good! At least you know it isn't a bug or something. His visits are just random. Good luck finding him!
No, I didn't get him yet - still trying
Heres what I've noticed, yesterday (real time) I talked to blathers, I didnt want to wait an extra day for redd, so I TTd one day ahead. Once I found redd, I set my clock back to normal. Today when I played I noticed redd was back wondering the island, it seems like he's set to spawn on the day you play after talking to blathers. Have you tried TTing back to the 22nd, and tried looking for him? :O
No, I didn't get him yet - still trying

I had Isabelle announce a shady character for me today. I talked to Blathers yesterday and he told me about the possibility of having an upgrade to the museum. (I really wish I took a screenshot of his dialog so I could be more help.) Have you had that dialogue from Blathers at any time? I think you have to have a certain amount of donations in your museum, but I'm sure you have your museum pretty full.
blathers won't even bring up a museum expansion for me, I have no idea what's going on
blathers won't even bring up a museum expansion for me, I have no idea what's going on
You need to have donated 60 items for him to talk about in expansion and then Redd will appear the day after. See if you can donate some more!
Heres what I've noticed, yesterday (real time) I talked to blathers, I didnt want to wait an extra day for redd, so I TTd one day ahead. Once I found redd, I set my clock back to normal. Today when I played I noticed redd was back wondering the island, it seems like he's set to spawn on the day you play after talking to blathers. Have you tried TTing back to the 22nd, and tried looking for him? :O
as someone as the exact same issue as OP ive tried this over and over and it hasnt worked at all! i havent even SEEN redd in game yet
as someone as the exact same issue as OP ive tried this over and over and it hasnt worked at all! i havent even SEEN redd in game yet
Ah that really stinks, my thoughts was that he may have spawned at some point, and since it seems the day he first spawns is fixed, that's its possible to miss him entirely and you would need to go back and find that day XoX I wish yall the best with figuring out the solution!!
Heres what I've noticed, yesterday (real time) I talked to blathers, I didnt want to wait an extra day for redd, so I TTd one day ahead. Once I found redd, I set my clock back to normal. Today when I played I noticed redd was back wondering the island, it seems like he's set to spawn on the day you play after talking to blathers. Have you tried TTing back to the 22nd, and tried looking for him? :O
I did, but Redd never appeared because of me TTing back after talking to Blathers about expansion but never talking to Redd.
I had Isabelle announce a shady character for me today. I talked to Blathers yesterday and he told me about the possibility of having an upgrade to the museum. (I really wish I took a screenshot of his dialog so I could be more help.) Have you had that dialogue from Blathers at any time? I think you have to have a certain amount of donations in your museum, but I'm sure you have your museum pretty full.
I already did, Blathers already talked about the expansion, I have all the requirements - I just screwed up with TT before I talked to Redd.

Isabelle never talked about a shady character either, so I know he hasn't been here so I haven't just missed him either
I had Redd show up for the first time for me, but I neglected to talk to him and TTed the next day. Since then Redd has never showed up. So my guess is if you didn’t talk to him on that day, that’s it. This is looking like it’s a glitch.
TTing backwards a day counts a one day moving forward btw, so you TTing to the 22nd technically counts as a day moving forward, and Redd likely showed up on the 22nd (I find that Isabelle doesn’t talk if you’ve already played on that day)
I had Redd show up for the first time for me, but I neglected to talk to him and TTed the next day. Since then Redd has never showed up. So my guess is if you didn’t talk to him on that day, that’s it. This is looking like it’s a glitch.
TTing backwards a day counts a one day moving forward btw, so you TTing to the 22nd technically counts as a day moving forward, and Redd likely showed up on the 22nd (I find that Isabelle doesn’t talk if you’ve already played on that day)
that may explain why i didnt get the "suspicious character" announcement :eek:
i really hope hes not just gone forever/gone until the glitch is fixed