My issue is different than most. I had redd several times and then he just randomly stopped appearing. As in it started in a different way than it did for most of you. So I don’t know how to fix it
I saw him twice (first time when he was just walking around and the second time when he invited me into his boat) Haven't seen him again after that. Been like a month now since I've been TTing to get him to show up again.
Well I got Redd. I visited another town with redd and then came back to mine, went ahead a few days and he showed up. Still I bet it’ll glitch again later. This is a major issue Nintendo needs to fix
Well I got Redd. I visited another town with redd and then came back to mine, went ahead a few days and he showed up. Still I bet it’ll glitch again later. This is a major issue Nintendo needs to fix
Glad you got it working! I hear that syncing your clock back to real time fixes it too, not sure if it's accurate. I'm going back to current time and abandoning my Redd quest.
Well I got Redd. I visited another town with redd and then came back to mine, went ahead a few days and he showed up. Still I bet it’ll glitch again later. This is a major issue Nintendo needs to fix
It really is, hopefully if many people send in support tickets to Nintendo they'll notice and fix it fast (obviously not as fast as the dupe glitch because nice glitches will always be removed first lmao)
Glad you got it working! I hear that syncing your clock back to real time fixes it too, not sure if it's accurate. I'm going back to current time and abandoning my Redd quest.
It really is, hopefully if many people send in support tickets to Nintendo they'll notice and fix it fast (obviously not as fast as the dupe glitch because nice glitches will always be removed first lmao)
I tried doing that, but to no avail ;-; I hope you'll have better luck than I did!
I went back to the 23rd which was when Redd first showed up and he is in my island! Let me know if you're free to drop by to pick up an art piece. I hear that I can TT back and forth and he will be here every time on this particular date.
I went back to the 23rd which was when Redd first showed up and he is in my island! Let me know if you're free to drop by to pick up an art piece. I hear that I can TT back and forth and he will be here every time on this particular date.
Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh that'd be awesome!! Let me know when I can come over and get some art, I reeeeaaally hope it'll fix my game (and then I can help others get it fixed too!)
Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh that'd be awesome!! Let me know when I can come over and get some art, I reeeeaaally hope it'll fix my game (and then I can help others get it fixed too!)
I'm limited on TT since Shep is moving out and I'm holding him for someone until they have space (or until tomorrow) but I can atleast skip until tomorrow (where he'll be in boxes) SO.
I'm gonna do a triple check of my island, make sure he is absolutely not wandering around (his boat isn't here though) and if he isn't, I'll skip to tomorrow and see if it fixed! MOMENT OF TRUTH
Post automatically merged:
I'll tag all the people who said they had the same issue (sorry if it annoyed some of you;; just wanted to help!), I'll also update main post (and name) @Gabene@spinningmouse@moonrose@AdvLAMP@cococay@MGK1@hisoru aaaand @pocky for being the true MVP and letting me buy one of the paintings at yours! Thank you!!
FIX #3 (personally confirmed): Buy a painting from someone else, whether it's through their Redd or whatever doesn't matter - donate it to Blathers! On the day the museum is shut down for construction, REDD will be parked at your secret beach and fully reset - selling you what was supposed to be your first (and always genuine) painting!
For the people I just tagged, feel free to reach out today/tomorrow if you need a painting from Redd! Make sure it's genuine, otherwise Blathers will give it back and nothing will happen. I'll check how many I have that are genuine and help as many as I can, and I'll keep doing that until they find a fix (or enough people have Redd for this to not be a big issue anymore I guess) Hoping to help as many out as I can here - let me know!
@Que is it possible to purchase a painting/art? I too had this problem for a week and stumbled upon this forum and made an account to ask I couldn’t find anything for the life of me.
I fixed the issue in my game by going back to the 22nd and then going forward a day to the 23rd (the day he's supposed to show up).
I'm glad you fixed your problem finally! Enjoy the art!
oh man, that's good to hear it got fixed that way! it sucks we all seemed to have this issue and that was the available fix right now. thank you for letting me know!!
@Que is it possible to purchase a painting/art? I too had this problem for a week and stumbled upon this forum and made an account to ask I couldn’t find anything for the life of me.
I fixed the issue in my game by going back to the 22nd and then going forward a day to the 23rd (the day he's supposed to show up).
I'm glad you fixed your problem finally! Enjoy the art!
That's awesome, glad to hear it!! I think that's a good fix too, but it doesn't work for everyone ><
oh man, that's good to hear it got fixed that way! it sucks we all seemed to have this issue and that was the available fix right now. thank you for letting me know!!
Remember; Any and all I tagged above (except Pocky, sorry dear!) - reach out to me if you want a painting! It's a first come first serve principle here, I'm waiting to hear from you guys until I give them out to others!
I'll bug one of my friends who doesn't seem glitched for one of their paintings, thank you so much for the offer! You're very sweet to do this. Here's hoping nobody else has to experience this weird glitch or this gets out to let people be aware of the fix.
Hi all on this thread. This is my first post. I have had the problem of losing Redd after time traveling back. I think it glitched as I tried to sell Blathers the same painting again but don’t know. That was after three successful travels back to same date. Now I bought a painting from a friend’s Redd. I sold to Blathers. Do I try, now, to go to my first date I know ship was at my island? Thanks. Also I have ALL Isobel stuff from obsession with zodiac set and can help people sometimes if they are missing something I can make. Thanks for this forum!
Hi all on this thread. This is my first post. I have had the problem of losing Redd after time traveling back. I think it glitched as I tried to sell Blathers the same painting again but don’t know. That was after three successful travels back to same date. Now I bought a painting from a friend’s Redd. I sold to Blathers. Do I try, now, to go to my first date I know ship was at my island? Thanks. Also I have ALL Isobel stuff from obsession with zodiac set and can help people sometimes if they are missing something I can make. Thanks for this forum!
Don't time travel now, please!! Redd should be somewhere on your island now, check your map! If his icon is at the small "secret" beach up top, he should also be somewhere on your island wandering around - talk to him, buy his painting, and the next day he'll invite you to his shop!