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I think I've burnt myself out... @_@ + being mean to villagers


Jun 18, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I've been playing New Leaf for about five days now, and I'm starting to have some regrets.
Which is a shame, because up to now it was the best fun I've had in a long time. ;w;

I've found before that "roleplaying" with the game has kept things pleasant! I was always nice to my
villagers, and tried to form bonds with them, particularly Merry. But...
I'm a pretty hardcore perfectionist at heart, and I'm displeased with my villagers. After looking up other villagers I'd like to live in my town, I flat out don't like any of them anymore, aside from Merry. This led to me frantically running around my village with a net beating up my neighbors... and I feel terrible. ):

I don't know how to explain it, but I just get negative vibes from my village now, but I don't really have any desire to start over, either. I'm not sure what to do. ><
Ah, well, from previous experiences, befriending villagers will make them move.
I did that with Phoebe, wasn't super friendly but would talk to her, she said she was moving 3 days later. Today Pierce (which I was friendly with, he even visited my house) said he's moving out on the 23rd. I started my game on the 10th, and Pierce was the second villager to move in. Phoebe moved in on the 13th and moved out on the 18th (I TTed for a while, but desconsidering that, she said she would be moving on the 22nd).

They weren't the villagers I talked the most with, but I didn't do anything bad to them. So yeah. I don't know if it works for everybody.
You could continue to roleplay and pretend your character is bipolar or mentally unstable, and only Merry can help them. xD

I hope you're not accusing Bipolar people of being insane. I have Bipolar disorder and we're not mentally unstable all the time. I don't know. I just find your comment a little offensive..
I think I'm going to write apology letters and send some gifts out today. ^^
Hopefully they'll leave to make room for new villagers, but I'd still like for them to enjoy their stay until then.
I hope you're not accusing Bipolar people of being insane. I have Bipolar disorder and we're not mentally unstable all the time. I don't know. I just find your comment a little offensive..

..He said Bipolar OR Mentally Unstable. The two weren't grouped. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.

You can't expect people on a forum to know what some members may or may not have medically wise, either.
I think the bipolar comment was more because bipolar people have severe mood swings, so one minute they can be very mean and the next minute they can be very sweet. I think it fits. Tiffani, I apologize that you felt offended by what was said. I know someone with bipolar disorder myself and it can be difficult when people treat you like you're "broken upstairs". I don't think they meant anything mean by it and were trying note the most common iteration of the condition. :hugs:

However, while it's true that the poster likely did not know someone on the forum has bipolar disorder, it doesn't excuse someone from making a rude comment. For example, you can't just say something homophobic and then when someone calls you out on it say, "I didn't know there were homosexuals on this forum!"
I don't know how to explain it...

Color, you explained it just fine. :) We have high expectations & the lottery of our neighbors has let us down. Mostly other factors were under our control- like the town layout & the placement of Public Works but because you ARE the Mayor, you can't help feeling responsible for having such off-putting residents. It's not your fault, now go fix it. =)

I can confirm maarowak's suggestion, be nice to those you want to banish.

Good luck, Color!
Not that this thread should be used as a discussion for mental illness but I have to clear one thing up. It is in reference to Yurusumaji's comment. People with bipolar disorder don't have swings where it is one minute very happy and the next minute sad or angry. They usually have two distinct states: manic when they are full of energy and it can be hard to concentrate and depression. These states usually last for a good period of time and are not minute to minute or hour to hour. The states can sometimes overlap but they don't fluctuate wildly. Not meaning to attack or aggravate anyone. I work with kids with mood disorders and just want more people to understand the disorder.
Sorry for the comment. I didn't mean to make it personal. Of course no one would know whether or not one has the disorder. I just didn't want the stigma to be talked about; being that all bipolar people are crazy and insane.

I'm sorry for perhaps blowing it out of proportion. This thread is not about mental illness, it's about being mean to villagers and trying to clear up the meanness the player was displaying. :)
Glad that we came to a civil, peaceful conclusion! ^_^ Now, back on topic!

Color, to aviod interacting w/ these neighbors more than req., start by being nice & let the relationship bloom. The confidence you've given them will incite a dialogue where they want to "explore the world" & want to move. You will have an option to select 'Stay' or 'Don't Go.'

Don't play too much; allow the effects to brew. Let's not be burned out again, haha. =)
Back on topic! If you want them to leave and don't have patience, just tell Isabelle you have a "problem with a villager". I know this option is more for villagers who have eventually picked up something offensive in their travels allowing the player to eradicate them, but if you absolutely must! I think it kinda takes the fun out of it though.
Back on topic! If you want them to leave and don't have patience, just tell Isabelle you have a "problem with a villager". I know this option is more for villagers who have eventually picked up something offensive in their travels allowing the player to eradicate them, but if you absolutely must! I think it kinda takes the fun out of it though.

Except that it doesn't make them move out? It just causes them to change their phrase/clothes/whatever you reported them for.
Back on topic! If you want them to leave and don't have patience, just tell Isabelle you have a "problem with a villager".

Kcro, does this work? I've been doing this & still the neighbor I'll like to stay ended up asking to leave.
I know it can be difficult staying in a town with villagers you like, so i cant offer much advice, as i rejectte many perfect town layouts because i didn't like the villagers hm :/
Oh man, I thought it evicted them like in WW. So its just to wipe their clothes or catchphrases and stuff. Oh well.