I want to visit towns that need money!

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I'd love to get visited again by you :3 your turnip prices have saved me from nooks wrath lol
Hi Guerrera!
I'm wondering about your turnip price and your native fruit... Mine are 67 bells and pears.
I'm still on 31th December, so turnips are still 428 :) I'm not moving the date for the time being, so feel free to come as many times as you need!
I'm still on 31th December, so turnips are still 428 :) I'm not moving the date for the time being, so feel free to come as many times as you need!
Oh nice!
I'll add you right now

(This wasn't the correct thread, by the way ;))
Added you! Mine is in the signature. Station will be open!
Hi! Are you willing to visit? I’m trying to upgrade my station (I havent had a lot of visitors ever)

my fc:3282-3918-8212
Let's hope my connection doesn't start acting up again! :eek:
I added you. Let me know if you see me online.
Heyho :) I'd love to get visited again by you, I'll be playing for a bit now and I'll keep my gates open if you wanna pop by :)
Of course I'll visit again! Give me a minute to turn on the 3ds and I'll be there.
Hello everyone! :)

I've been away the forum sooo long, but since we're in quarantine I felt the itch to pick up my town again. I don't know if anyone still plays New Leaf, but I want to visit towns to finally earn my travelling golden badge!

That's all I'm going to do: enter your town, drop a bag of 99k bells on the floor, and away again.
I can visit you as many times as you want/need, don't be shy to ask for a repeat!

Write your code and town, since the forums update there's no friendcode under your avatar yet!
my friend code is 0104-6410-3109 and town name is dumbtown
... It's the big colourful message in the signature, that appears under every single one of my posts :LOL:
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