I would love the ability to put lights on our houses and villager homes. That would really bring together my Christmas island. also...why does ables never decorate for holidays...
yes I agree that would be so cute!! I haven't decorated my island much for the holidays because of my inability to find balloons with festive DIYs but that'd be a nice small touch
What a great idea I would for sure have definitely liked that. We could have needed to go to the town hall and for this period of time have a selection of external decorations for our houses for christmas. I would have also loved our villagers to have this option, to see the different variety of things they would have put out. I am sure it would have look spectacular at night time.
Lol. That would be fun. Even if it was only a temporary thing. But I in general would like to see the animals houses ables sisters and museum decorated seasonly too. Not jist nooks cranny
My disappointment with Christmas in this game is pretty high right now. Definitely hoping to enjoy the season more next year. Better customization for the house would be excellent. At the very least, by next year, I will already have the holiday items that I collected this year (though few and far between). I swear, though...the game heavily rewards those who timetravel. I never manage to get the holiday items IN TIME for the actual holiday. I don't even have a festive tree in my game yet. Christmas is in two days...
Given there’s a set number of house styles to design lights to fit, it doesn’t seem like something completely out of the realm of possibility. I don’t have any cedar trees on my island, so seeing the display at Nook’s Cranny and Resident Services has me itching for lights elsewhere too - even if it’s one simple string to add a little cheer around the island.
Actually, I really hoped back then that New Horizons would give you more options to decorate your house for any kind of holiday, like with lights for Christmas and such. It's disappointing that this is still not a feature, I would have love to have lights on my house or even just on the windows. Being able to have a wreath on the door is at least something, although not much but a step in the right direction. Here's hope that maybe in future updates they will give you more freedom to decorate your house proper for holidays.
I completely agree! I think it'd be super cute, and it would pull the whole town together. Putting wreaths on doors helps a lot, but I still wish for more seasonal house decor. Maybe it'll be in a future update? I doubt it, but I can only hope!
That would be amazing. I wish we could decorate with lights and garlands! The starry garlands would look so nice on stalls. And being able to choose different light colours for different villagers houses would be awesome.
I was surprised as well for the lack of exterior customisation. I had a feeling after Halloween that Toy Day would be lacklustre and in a way it is. But...there is hope everyone. Unlike some franchises AC devs actually listen to the fans. They answered when we wanted new hairstyles so if we suggest it enough I am sure they can think of ways to put Christmas light exteriors in...somehow. It hasn't been a full year yet so I am hoping that next year will be more eventful with more decorations and furniture.
That would be so cute! I would love that so much, too. I put festive trees in everyone’s yards so they would have some Christmas lights but a little Christmassy garland like what’s on townhall would be so cute on the villagers houses!
That would be nice. I feel like as a whole home/building designs need more. The customization with Nook feels lacking. Would have been cool if there were holiday options like lighted roofs and etc.
agreed!! that’s part of why i miss the bright nights festival from wild world; while you weren’t able to put lights on your own home, your villagers could, which was always super pretty to see! maybe that’ll be a feature next christmas or something. :’)
I thought something like this would be implemented in New Horizons because this game is very focused on customization and DIY, so I was surprised that this wasn't added in yet. Either way, I hope it does get implemented because I would light up my whole island lol.