Icon-Shame the person above you!

later on in The Story That May Never Be Finished, he realizes that HIS SHADOW IS SENTIENT OH NO--
also edit: the background looks like inkopolis and you can only wield a splattershot in the maps
yeah man homeboy is fine he is happy with all him frends
but anyway back to the point at hand theres too much blue
That's actually kinda creepy in a way.

also edit: the background looks like inkopolis and you can only wield a splattershot in the maps
Because of where I got it from, the background is actually other fighters from Smash Bros., but I can't remember who was near Inkling lol.
i have nothing else to say to you so instead of just re-using someone else's joke im just gonna shame myself
what did percy (homeboy) do to get arrestd
Looks like he's holding his shadow's smile making him the evil one
She looks murderous, I bet she splats people for a living!