Ideas for Animal Crossing on Wii U?


she/her, time-zone AEDT
Dec 19, 2015
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
I watched this amazing video a few weeks ago:

In this video, TheBitBlock shares his ideas about what Animal Crossing could be like on the Wii U, and he even showed us his ideas with animation instead of just sketching his ideas. I love these ideas, particularly the camera controls and the ability to hand-write your letters with stickers. What are your thoughts on these ideas? Do you have any other ideas about what could go into Animal Crossing on the Wii U? Personally, I'd love it if the beaches were bigger and we could build public works projects there, so we could put beach chairs and umbrellas on the beach. It would also be cool if we could do more with the diving ability introduced in New Leaf. Maybe we could go scuba-diving or snorkeling so we could explore some really beautiful reefs. Thoughts?
I like fishing the way it is, but would really love it if the river was wider so you couldn't reach all the way across with your fishing rod. Then you could buy a row boat or canoe or something from Nook's. Ah, but they'd get my money for a game like that anyway.
I don't know, but what if they added like bird sightseeing or catching or something. I think with the idea of tours, a lot of expanding can be done, with some pretty unique ideas! Also, I really do like that fishing in a boat idea.
i really like the vid, i like most of the ideas posted, but the stickers doesnt seem very attractive to me, and id love if they somehow had the look or a similar one to the mario kart track so it makes the town feel huge and like were actually in a forest if we have a lot of trees, or flowery meadow or a nice field <3
i love the public works he shown though <3 and the air balloons are a cool idea
and id love if they did the bird watching that was just suggested <3
along with it having more diverse and expanded on personalities and more items and fish and bugs etc... :)
oh and i love the bushes in new leaf but id like them to be changed slightly, because to me they only blooming a few weeks a year is a bit too long a wait, so hopefully they will bloom every 4-5 weeks for a little while
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Bird watching would actually be pretty cool, and they could add a bird encyclopedia if they did that. And I agree that more diverse personalities would be good, especially with the animals. I know there's hundreds of villagers in the Animal Crossing world so this would be a bit hard to do, but I'd like it if each villager had something unique in their personality, even if they still kept the snooty personalities and the lazy personalities but just gave each villager one unique trait. They kind of did that with New Leaf as each villager has a dream job and a favourite hobby, and in the few days I've been playing New Leaf I've noticed some distinct writing styles in the letters from my villagers, but it would be nice if that was more fleshed out in conversations with them.
that would be really nice if villagers did have something special about them :)
i mainly want them to change the graphical style and perspective a bit like the mario karts ac course so it feels like were in a big town/ forest or however you style your town, since its currently pretty hard to achieve that feel with how it is now
I personally think the idea of cooking would be nice, but I dunno.
I also think the adding more PWPs would be good too, though they might already do that anyway. would also be nice to give the villagers fingers rather than spoons for hands, heheh.
Even though NX is coming soon (supposedly to be revealed later this year), I'm going to use a hypothetical and say despite Wii U's atrocious sales, even though it's not a guarantee the Wii U will get the next one, I'll just pretend that it does.

So, I've been playing e+ everyday, and still hating those freaking cliffs, but with the original, City Folk, and the beach for New Leaf (which isn't a problem unless I want to go to the island), I'm guessing they'll return to any console version. I can overlook them for certain things. If some things line up like they did in e+, like the shop landing right in front of the ramp, that kind of works. If it's halfway up the map, and on the corner where nothing is like I had in City Folk, then that kind of sucks since I have to find a bridge, AND a ramp to get to the store!

What I really, REALLY, REALLY want though for ANY console game is to return the ability to shop at anytime. In e+ I've played at 3AM before, and since I've never time traveled (even just a tiny one to make up for missed events, I truly play this game in real time the way it was intended, so if I miss it, I miss it, just like real life, you can't break that 4th dimension), I was able to buy/sell by waking Tanukichi up by banging on the door. If I can't be home to play, and with the loss of freedom on handhelds that Wild World and New Leaf gave me to play wherever I am, since I won't change that clock other than Daylight Saving, then I BADLY need the ability to open up shops at anytime of the day or night!

If they can make a town look even better than Josh's town, then I can overlook the cliffs because the graphical integration within it makes it look cool- they don't look that good to me on GameCube or Wii, just a giant rock wall you run into. At least in New Leaf it only separates the beach, so that was better since the main town has no cliffs, only the shopping district from the main town and beach separation- you can run straight up to straight down, if you line your bridges up right (I've got it where you can run straight down from the station directly to the bottom edge where the beach is separated). Also, if they also allow you to shop anytime, then I'll love another console game. That's why e+ (among other things) is by FAR the best in the console lineup- also love that it was the first to feature medicine, saving pics to SD cards, picking up flowers, and moving villagers into town by scanning their card (yeah, that's not new to the series in HHD, e+ allowed you to pick/choose villagers using their e-reader cards). Not bad for a game that came out in 2003!