If I were not a TBT Member


Retired Staff
Jan 2, 2006
Sautéed Mushrooms
This game is based on a funny boy scout song we sing at camp. It goes.

If I were not a Boy Scout this is what I'd be, If I were not a boy scout....
Than you would say an occupation you would like to be. ♪an electrition!
After that you would say a phrase that goes with that. ♪Zip, zap, boom!

So I altered it a little to make this game. Here is how it works. You say if I were not a TBT member(or sage, mod or admin) this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT member(or sage, mod or admin) I would be an _________. __________
So let's start.

If I were not a TBT sage this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT sage I would a Sony Spokesperson. "RIIIDGE RACER!"

Note: You can bust the staff a little but nothing major.
If I were not a TBT member this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT member I would a crazy person who sells apples. apple pie!
If I were not a TBT member this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT member I would be an industrial engineer the graduated from McGill University in Quebec at the age of 22. Let's-a-go!
If I were not a TBT sage this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT sage I would be admin. "I am the people's admin, by the people for the people"!

Note: You can bust the staff a little but nothing major.
If I were not a TBT Member this is what I'd be. I would be a bomb seller with lotsa bombs. -boom!-
If I were not a TBT member(or sage, mod or admin) I would be a dolalr bill! I want moolah!
(Darth your supposed to say Sage.)
If I were not a TB T sage this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT sage I would be firefighter. "Jump lady jump, oooo splat!"
If I were not a TBT sage this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT sage I would be a donut. "Please Don't dunk me!"
If I were not A TBT member ill tell you what i'd be if I were not a TBT member a Nsiders memeber I would be "No FC allowed :no: :jay: :mad:
If I were not a TBT Member or a bomb seller I would be a.... US Army Private.



Bang bang.
this seems so fun so it deserves a bump

sorry mods D:
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Okay, I'm bumping this now!

If I were not a TBT member, this is what I'd be. If I were not a TBT member, I would be a Scratcher (a user of the Scratch website)! Scratch on, TBTers!