Pokémon If Pokemon were real...


Jan 18, 2016
Sheep Plush
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
White Pansy
What kind of Pokemon would you have in your party?

I'd probably want:
Tropius- It's a flying dinosaur that grows bananas... What more could you ask for?
Torterra- Riding it would seem really fun(plus it's one of my favorite starters)
Arcanine- Really cool to ride and it's really fluffy
Blissey/Chansey- "The eggs are apparently rich in nutrients and extremely delicious" and that sounds amazing
Togepi- I love the evolutionary line and Togepi is adorable C:
Milotic- A beautiful Pokemon as well as one of my favorite water types(also bragging rights)

I thought of Wooper and Skitty as well, but I dunno
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This is like every kid's Dream...

I would at least have a Ponyta and Vulpix.
And one that flies as well.

Latias (duh)
Eevee (adorable and one of my favorites, and Vaporeon is one of my favorites)
Dustox (I find the lil' guy adorable and one of the only bug types I like)
Vulpix (If I evolve it I will make everyone beg for mercy xDDD)
Shinx (Above. Also Shinx is adorable c: )
Mew (Need I explain? Adorable floating embryo cat thats adorable)
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Going by Pokemon I love and not by their stats I would say:

- Feraligatr
- Dragonite
- Scizor
- Gengar
- Glaceon
- Gardevoir

Man, it would just be too cool to actually go on a journey with these Pokemon.
I'd have Salamence to fly around on, Espeon to psychically kill everyone, and to be my pet, and I'd have either Gengar or Dusklops to help me play tricks on people.
A shiny Greninja (for obvious reasons)


Noivern or Haxorus



Oh man mine would deffinitely be, Dialga, Gardevior, Raiku, Rayquaza, Mew, Jurachia, Celebi, Vaporeon, and Blaziken <3 I love all the first generation pokemons cx
Ampharos (I love it)
Gardevoir (Reasons)
Blastoise (SURF'S UP!)
Charizard (For flying and such)
Alakazam (DO MY HOMEWORK!)
Such an incredibly difficult question. How am I supposed to narrow it down to six? The only ones for certain are Pikachu (because my first game was yellow it holds a special place in my heart) and Sylveon because it's my favourite eevee evolution. From there I have no idea...
Meganium and Milotic both have great calming abilities...
Skitty would make an adorable pet...
Umbreon and Espeon are also pretty great...
Togekiss and Blissey are some of my other favourites...
If I could master mega evolution I would love a Mawile...
Garchomp would be so strong, but living without hands could be complicated...
I could ride on Rapidash...
Beautifly is cute...

Gah! I don't know!!! This is so hard T_T

That being said I think the original poster has great taste and enjoyed their reasoning :)
- Eevee (it's so cute and would be excused for an adorable pet 😂I love Sylveon as well so)
- Diancie (looks beautiful, imagine the mega evolution in real life)
- Xerneas (the way it was revealed in Pokemon X would be mesmerizing to see in real life)
- Ditto (would be entertaining to see a blob on my bedroom floor)
Oshawott because he is my favourite and is adorable
Spoink because it would be entertaining to watch
Skiddo so I could ride it :)
Psyduck because why not
Altaria so I could fly

If only Pokemon were real. :p
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Greninja - favorite pokemon
Gallade - favorite mega evolution
Scolipede - centipede + horse = adorable and horrifying
Drifblim - hot air balloon baby ;u;
Arcanine or Luxray - childhood favorite / first wifi battle memories
Umbreon or Jolteon - i love these guys equally, so it's hard to decide

If Pokemon were real, we'd need to at least have eight. That would make it easier. D:
Hypno, Steal kids
Magcargo, Burns hotter than the sun
Lampent , Eat peoples spirits
Mismagius, Give people headaches and halucinations
Gourgeist, Curse people

- - - Post Merge - - -

In all seriousness though

greninja, diancie, palkia, mewtwo, groudon and genesect, always will be my preferred team!
-Hawlucha (I can't explain this one.)
-Mewtwo X (Who doesn't wan't to mess with peoples minds? Of course, if Mewtwo were more passive I wouldn't have a risk, too...)
i'd love myself a nice juicy miltank steak!