If The Bell Tree Forums Closed What Would You Do?

Play harvest moon even more.

Harvest Moon is life ugh. I used to be so obsessed with DS / DS cute in particular when I was younger and looking back on it it's very limited in mechanics etc/ compared to other games but it brings back so many memories. <3
I would join another forum. Maybe look for one that doesn't mind hacks/glitches so much. I like Pokemon that have weird moves. Or were met at the Pokemon league. lol ;)
I'd go on another forum probably - I used to be pretty active on ACC but I left for TBT. :lemon:

But I'd also regret the hours I spent over these tiny little pictures

And the damn bell shop on ACC still isn't done. It's been like 3 years since I joined, and they've had the same coming soon message for years :rolleyes:
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Would not bother me
:p shame to was the tbt though

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For some people, tbt seems to be their life XD.
They're like "super christian" and ban people for things that would seemingly be against it. You can't mention anything about homosexuality or they close the thread/give you an infraction if you keep doing it.

BTW, found this on ACC's main page as part of one of their update logs.

"For a long time the words "gay" and "lesbian" have been in the language filter as traditionally they have been used by members in derogatory contexts. We have removed those words from the filter. This allows LGBT members to directly identify their orientation in profiles without having to bypass the filter. Please know that use of these words as attacks, slurs and the like will be treated as flaming or trolling. Please report any misuse of these words to the Moderators using the Report Icon icon on the offending content so that we can address it swiftly."
What are you talking about? You've gotta admit, ACC does have a pretty attractive and colorful design.

I've just looked at it for the first time and it's just a total eyesore in my opinion.

The layout also looks like a forum from the early 90's.
First, i'm going to cry. Then I'm going to try and get a life and go outside. When that fails, I cry again. Then, move on and find another forum and fail because bell tree has set my standards too high. Finally, I sit on my bed and cry.

so basically just cry haha
I'd be pretty bummed out because this is a really nice and friendly place. I trust pretty much everyone here. This is the only forum I'm on right now and my main go to place for Animal Crossing trades. If it shut down, I'd have to find another forum or place to trade.
kill myself.


You could tie the noose to the lifeless bell tree

I already managed to disappear for a few months, I'm sure I'd just stay in contact with friends I met here. If it closed there wouldn't be anything you could do, just get on with your normal lives.