If the world was gunna end tommorow...?

Vex L'Cour

Weebalicious Furry.
Mar 21, 2010
New Horizons Token
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Okay, recently reading the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of topics saying 'OMG WE'RE ALL GUNNA DIE AT 2012/2009 etc!!!' made me think:

'If i knew the world was gunna end tommorw, what would i do?'
So here are some little scenarios, you can do all of them or just one etc.

1. Alien Invasion or Alien Extermination
2. Meteor/comet about to hit the earth
3. Nuclear war/Holocaust announced.
4. Massive natural disaster e.g. Yellow Stone Super Volcano Erupts
5. some kind of Apocolyptic Zombie virus.


1. I'd try to round up family+ friends and protect them for as long as possible.
2. Spend time with family + friends then sit on the beach and watch it.
3. Try to build somekind of shelter
4. same as no.2
5. Dont do the movie clich
Not that it would happen anytime soon, but probably spend the last days with family and friends.
Go up to people hate and or like and tell them what I think .. as in I hate you, I like you, Your a hoe .. get it? ;)

lol and right before it hits 12 jump off a building .. going to die anyways :p

Go into the mall and take crap LOL
I would make a very precise schedule and actually be organized for once in my life. ='J
Spend some time with friends, if they weren't too busy panicking.
Spend some time with family, but not too much because they're kinda boring.
I've always wanted to do an impassioned confession of love. But I lack a love interest. So I'd pick some random, sane-looking guy off the street, get to know him in like five minutes, and be like I'VE LOVED SINCE THE MOMENT I MET YOU <small><small><small><small><small>five minutes ago</small></small></small></small></small>. 8D

Aw yeah.
And then I'd go play some videogames.
Get a boombox.

Throw it over my shoulder.

play it's the End of the World as we know it. In a loop and run through crowds of people.
If I was told that this evening was the last evening on earth, and that it would be wiped out by nuclear destruction tomorrow?

Get started digging that bomb shelter.

Nah, actually, if that was the truth, I'd probably reminisce and pray and let out all emotions and be with my family and call up Will Smith to see if he'll come take me to that colony in I am Legend
Spend my last moments with whoever's there at the time and smile.
Alright, so first I'd

Go sky diving, go rocky mountain climbing,
Go two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
Love deeper and speak sweeter,
And I give forgiveness I'd been denying.

And you?
family, i said family. i would talk them into jumping off a cliff together moments before we parish.
Im gunna reevaluate:

1. Get up, tell my family i love them and ring up other members and tell them the same
2. Ring the girl i love with all my heart, tell her that and that i want my final moments with her (denied xD)
3. Go down to the seafront and sit on the beach, silently watching the waves.
4. look up and make a wish
1. spell gonna write.
2. spell tomorrow right.
And yes, there is a correct way to spell gonna. Firefox doesn't correct me.

Sorry, im a grammar nazi.
Go tell the girl I like that I like her. Then go like >;3

Steal a car, drive to the mall, then jump off of it.