If you could have NPC live on your island full time?

Kapp'n and his family for sure!!!!
Or from the NPCS currently in the game, I'd choose Flick!
Good ‘ol Crazy Redd hands down.

Jack would be my second pick and Flick with his roomie CJ as third, probably.

Would be very fitting to have a shady businessman on you island 😏😉. I can see it now, in a secret area, Soness and Redd exchanging money and goods (hopefully no more tangy oranges)

Tough one for me. Maybe Blathers because I appreciate his knowledge and enthusiasm for it and he is cute! Other npcs I’d like: Katie and her mom - if she returns because I love kittens and I want to see her with her mom; Katrina since I love her design and she may fit some ideas/designs I have; Pascal because he is adorable and i love how chill he is.
Zipper! I wanted him to be a permenent resident ever since I first met him last year.

Other options would be Celeste or Flick, both would fit right in - I love Celeste's concept and design and Flick's gloomy personality.

Edit: Totally forgot about Jack, he would be very welcome as well.
I'd love the Copper & Booker. I miss those police dogs.
I always liked how their personalities and the way they did their job was on the complete opposite. They would be fun to have in the town.

Or maybe Pelly or Cyrus. I could see her behaving like a normal villager and her home would be centered around a postal office. And Cyrus would fit along well with everything being crafting/diy now. He might actually feel an identity crisis now that his job is obsolete.
Pascal would be one of the most fun to talk to on a regular basis, but CJ and Digby are the cutest, so it'd be a tough call. Pascal is still cute too though, so overall he's probably the best pick.
I'd love to have Kicks living on my island, and to be able to see his actual house where he lives. It would feel like a nice conclusion to his story arc over the series. He started in City Folk, just sitting on the steps of an abandoned building, offering his services as a shoeshine. I think there was at least an implication that he was living in poverty there. He didn't even have a shirt yet.

Then in New Leaf, he moved up in the world enough to fully dress himself and run his own shoe store. And he mentions, if you talk to him in the café, that he was very lonely when he lived in the city, so he's happy to live somewhere that he has lots of regular customers instead of people he only sees once and never again. But we don't get to see where he lives.

So, in New Horizons, now that he's added bags to his wares and seems to be doing well enough to take a day off from working in his shop once every week or two to sell things on a nearby island, it would be cool to see his house, just to see how far he's come. And to be able to actually befriend him, give him gifts and all that.

Plus, he's just really darn cute. ^o^;>
i would choose celeste in a heartbeat. she’s my absolute favourite npc and even though i’ve obtained all of her diys + don’t currently have much of a need for star fragments, seeing her still makes me so, so happy and i’d love for her to live on my island. :’) i bet her interior/exterior would be gorgeous as well and plus, she’d be able to see blathers more often, which would make her happy.
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Katie or the Kapp`n family. I`d also really love Katrina! 💛
I feel like i would love Celeste because i feel like her house would be amazing! Observatory vibes and celestial vibes would be amazing! On the flip side, having Flick would be amazing if he’s going to keep pushing out those bug models then i would love that to be available to me anytime! I use them a lot for my island and it’s annoying having to wait around for Flick to show up.

I also would love to have Porter or Kapp’n. Porter is just adorable and i miss him and Kapp’n would be great to have around singing his weird songs!
Gulliver because i have an all bird island but leif because of the plants