If you don't play in english, what do you think of villager names?


May 11, 2020
What do you think of the name of villagers in your language?

I play in French and I'm not really a fan of the names they chose, they don't show the villager's personnality at all. They all have basic French names: Zucker became Marvin, Raddle is Fabien, Sprinkle was Laurie, Fang is Pierrot, Merenghe is Patty (😭) and Judy is Laura?? The only interesting ones were Quillson who became Narcisse, and Canberra who was named Kolala. A few were just weird: Julian's french name is Lico, and Diana is Didi :/ .
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And I just remembered Joey's name was Joseph, I mean come on 😭
Yeah... I started playing in French then switched to see the difference, and kept it that way because it's somewhat easier for trades. (And I don't have to look up villagers names)
Flora was... Justine in French (why? Flora was a completely acceptable one and it worked in French) and Cherry was Ana.
I don't really remember the other ones...

I also thought the Uchi way of talking was really overacted in French, but maybe it is in English too and it just doesn't strike me the same because it's not my native language?
Yeah... I started playing in French then switched to see the difference, and kept it that way because it's somewhat easier for trades. (And I don't have to look up villagers names)
Flora was... Justine in French (why? Flora was a completely acceptable one and it worked in French) and Cherry was Ana.
I don't really remember the other ones...

I also thought the Uchi way of talking was really overacted in French, but maybe it is in English too and it just doesn't strike me the same because it's not my native language?
Yeah, I don't know how it is in english but it's true that the difference in speech is stark between the uchis and the other personnnalities.
Can we talk about Bob being Robert ?? I know Bob is short for Robert, but have they see his face? It doesn't suit him at all !
Same as you I play in french and I'm often disappointed with the names, I think the english names are great and always references something when in french it's either very basic or a bad pun. Like Fauna and Deidre are respectively named Bibi and Bichoune...
Anyway in my head and when I speak to others I mostly using their english names.
Can we talk about Bob being Robert ?? I know Bob is short for Robert, but have they see his face? It doesn't suit him at all !
It really doesn't!
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Same as you I play in french and I'm often disappointed with the names, I think the english names are great and always references something when in french it's either very basic or a bad pun. Like Fauna and Deidre are respectively named Bibi and Bichoune...
Anyway in my head and when I speak to others I mostly using their english names.
Same, my sister's always confused whenever we tallk about AC because I only use their English names!
Same as you I play in french and I'm often disappointed with the names, I think the english names are great and always references something when in french it's either very basic or a bad pun. Like Fauna and Deidre are respectively named Bibi and Bichoune...
Anyway in my head and when I speak to others I mostly using their english names.

Ok Bibi and Bichoune are a hard NO hahaha

To be fair, there are a FEW names that I find actually better in French. (I'd have to research that again though) But I agree that most of the time they go for very basic names or terrible puns... I mean "Lico"... How long did that take them to come up with? It doesn't even sound nice!
I've only played Wild World and City Folk in Spanish (my native language) because I was a kid and didn't speak English. Now that I do and that I've seen the villagers' names and their dialog, I've always played it in English lol. I tried changing it to German, as I've been learning it for some years now, but I can't remember the names.
Yeah... Playing in German is the same. Most of them have standard German names. And when I say German, I mean it. Being from Switzerland myself, some of these names are hilarious to me.
A few examples:
Raymond --> Gunnar
Sprocket --> Lutz
Megan --> Dagmar
Teddy -> Torsten
Eloise -> Frauke
Diva -> Dörte 😂
Graham -> Günther
Bud -> Dieter
Hornsby -> Rüdiger

They really went all the way with the "localization", huh.
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Yeah... Playing in German is the same. Most of them have standard German names. And when I say German, I mean it. Being from Switzerland myself, some of these names are hilarious to me.
A few examples:
Raymond --> Gunnar
Sprocket --> Lutz
Megan --> Dagmar
Teddy -> Torsten
Eloise -> Frauke
Diva -> Dörte 😂
Graham -> Günther
Bud -> Dieter
Hornsby -> Rüdiger

They really went all the way with the "localization", huh.
Yeah that sounds... very local omg 😵 .
It really looks like in english they took the time to find names that displayed their personnality, even if they were unconventionnal, like Zucker and omg Merenghe's name is so pretty and fitting and it's a pun?? Because meringue?? But with other languages they just opened the calendar and chose the most basic "localised" names :/
It's a small thing, but it's a bit sad that if I want to play in my native language I'm missing out on all those cute personnalised names, it seems less fun somehow...
In Spanish
Names I like:
Raymond's name is "Narciso" as in the hunter Narcissus known for his beauty
Sherb's name is "Morfeo" as in the Greek god Morpheus, god associated with sleep and dreams!!
Isabelle's name is Canela, which means Cinnamon in English, and it's a very common name for dogs lol
Diana's name is Bambina and I'm here for it, that's what I've been calling her ever since!
Avery's name is WAY less generic, it's Cuzco~
Pietros name is Kikolor lol 💕

Names I hate:
Zell is Corvlio Corvilo
Chops is Solomín
Cyd is Ramón
Celest is Estela
Bluebear is Celeste (it has to do with her color)
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In Spanish
Names I like:
Raymond's name is "Narciso" as in the hunter Narcissus known for his beauty
Sherb's name is "Morfeo" as in the Greek god Morpheus, god associated with sleep and dreams!!
Isabelle's name is Canela, which means Cinnamon in English, and it's a very common name for dogs lol
Diana's name is Bambina and I'm here for it, that's what I've been calling her ever since!
Avery's name is WAY less generic, it's Cuzco~
Pietros name is Kikolor lol 💕

Names I hate:
Zell is Corvlio
Chops is Solomín
Cyd is Ramón
Celest is Estela
Bluebear is Celeste (it has to do with her color)
These actually sound really cute 😍!
I am reviving this thread to let the world know that Erik's French name is *drumroll*, Abraham.


(edit: apparently it's because in french we call a deer's scream a "brame"...)

On the other hand, Lymand's name is Kalyptus (bc he's a koala), and that's pretty cool 😆. Plucky's name is Poulette, which I think fits well with her uchi personnality. Dom's name is Bouloche, which means pilling, it makes sense because he's a sheep but it feels slightly mean?
Other disappointing names: Audie is Monica, Flurry is Emma, Marshal is Mathéo, Dizzy is Pachy...
Feel free to answer with your favorite or least favorite villager non-english names!
Lolly has a better name in Spanish and Italian.
Ankha's name may be a slightly better in Italian or Japanese.
I don't play in German, but looking through the names... Yikes. I feel like they have so much personality in English, but in German, they're just random names. Like Solio mentioned, there are some very traditional German names, but mainly, they're just boring - Julian is Jimmy, for instance. There are also some species where multiple villagers have very similar names based on that, like Kong, Kokong and Konga (Al, Boone, Violet), and Oink and Oinka (Curly and Gala). I guess it might be cute if you had them all together, though. The ones I definitely liked were Miezi (Mitzi), Grimm (Fang) and Schwarte (Spork), though.

Also, after looking at the Nookipedia page, apparently there were some villagers where they just... didn't realize the characters were male, so they had female names prior to NL: Moe used to be Mia, and Kid Cat was Petra.