If you had unlimited bells, what would you buy? Honest.

I would build and destroy bridges and inclines, as well as move buildings around comfortably without having to stress over it breaking my bank account.
idk really, i have so many bells that i've upgraded 4 houses fully lol

i think once u have upgraded ur house and gotten all the stuff u want, there's not really too much u can do with bells unless u continue trading online
or like i have everything i need so i'm constantly giving my sister tons of bells

i do actually have billions of bells on NL, which is kinda unlimited i guess
but i don't play that game much anymore so i just give it away when i can be bothered to go online haha
I don’t feel that there is enough in game to spend bells on. I agree that when you have upgraded your house and finished with the bridges and inclines what do you do? I don’t want lots of additional players with 3 story houses. I have one alt as I wanted a cute beach diner and I don’t want it any bigger than that.
The Dodo airlines plane, so I can park it at the beach near my house and skip having to deal with the dodos so often. A private jet definitely does sound like a rich person goal. 🤔

For real though I also have enough bells that I already consider them unlimited. I earn them faster than I can spend them...
I would definitely buy tons of NMT, gold, and other materials that I like to hoard for some reason. That, and also clothing, I can’t get enough of it. So. cuuute! 🥺
I have a ton of bells as is, I tend to just pay for inclines and mortgages on nookazon
Agree with what others have said, there isn't enough things in the game to spend bells on once the house has been fully paid off - most of the furniture/miscellaneous items and clothing don't cost a lot of bells. I'd probably mostly use them for building bridges and inclines, sometimes it can be hard to decide which one will look best on the island till you've built it so I'd waste most of the bells on testing different ones out, though I probably have enough bells to do this already.
I have about 15 million bells right now with 3 full upgraded houses with all the loans paid off. There's really not much to spend the bells on and I've been moving houses and building and demolishing inclines and bridges without a care.

I've been buying some of the "expensive" furniture too (90k+) to decorate and it's still not breaking my bank/
I do have unlimited bells, it's my system that I call 'playing the game' !! xD

I jest ... But if I could splurge, I'd probably buy all the really expensive things in all the other different colours that I don't have ... Then again, I have millions of bells that aren't going anywhere fast so I suppose I could do that now :/
Honestly I'm coming up blank.
I've got millions and really wish I knew what to do with it.
I'd create other players on my island and fully upgrade and decorate their houses all with different themes ! I'll probably do it at some point, but right now I'm still spending a lot of money on items/clothes/moving buildings around.

I actually felt like I had unlimited bells at some point, I bought 12M on this forum to trade for a villager. It was cool, I upgraded my house almost fully and built a bridge (I'd just reset), but I was a bit worried having so many bells from the start would make me enjoy the game less. So when I went to get the villager I left the extra 1M I had from the trade.
Since the ABD at Resident Services from my island is already filled with millions of bells, I'll use those bells that I've gathered from the game to buy any clothing that I don't have yet and I'll also save up the rest of the bells for any future updates such as an extra furniture update that'll bring tons of new furniture into the game that I will be wasting the bells on to fill up my catalog with brand new furniture.
I would create my alternate characters and expand/decorate their houses
I don't know. I remember being new to the game and wanting to adopt Raymond and he was going for 10 million in game Bells on Nookazon and I had, like 24,000 Bells to my name, lol. But I eventually found Raymond through other means.

If the game offered castles and palaces and upgrades to building/terraforming/crafting, I'd pay for that. Extra exterior options, bigger interiors. More infrastructure choices, like customizable bridges and such. Extra buildings we could build and use for other purposes, like our own hat shop or coffee shop or whatever.
There is nothing I could do.

I have nearly 30 million bells and there is nothing to buy.
I just recently started this island so I'd use the bells to move all the houses and buildings around and fully decorate my house.