The Chronicles of Narnia

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


TBT's 20th Wild Child
Sep 15, 2013
Gingerbread House
Gift Box
Gingerbread House
Gingerbread House
Red Toy Car
Crystal Reindeer
Gift Box
Red Toy Car


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This is under construction right now. Please hold. <3
(You can click through these but I suggest waiting until it's filled up!)

The main plaza is where I do most of my trading and it's also a lazy way for me to incorporate a wardrobe item onto my island without it looking too out of place. Now I can do those changing missions in peace!

The campsite is where many visitors to Narnia that want to stay longer will spend their night. Getting there is not an easy task; the only way to get there is to hop over a cliff with water rushing into the ocean. The campsite is close to a small playground and a very nice picnic spot.

My main character's home. It's a mess! The main room is a living room, the other rooms are pretty cursed.


The Narnian Space Administration (NARSA) is based in the home of my second character, and it is my current side project.
Plans include a lobby, a research lab, a mission control center, and a rocket factory in the basement.
The attic is where I collect my star fragments! And possibly some other precious space items. We'll see.




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Alright, I have given up on trying to format the opening post with the tools I have in the chatbox. I just made the entire thing an image now so that I can make it as fancy as I please!

I'll be treating this thread as an island diary from now on. You might see some old pictures thrown in here too, because the island was started on launch day and we're several months into development right now.

Anyway, today was an exciting day! I had Ursala in my campsite. I was having a really hard time deciding on a sisterly villager for my town and this was pretty much the only one that looked fun to me. She reminds me of a certain meme and it makes me happy. ^^


Also here's the meme, tell me she doesn't look exactly like him, I dare you. ;D
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Aurora is one of my favourite villagers! Sometimes I get a little sad over the fact that I found her on a mystery island way early on, because this means she lives in what looks like a student apartment rather than having one of those incredible ice-themed homes. On the other hand, she has the reading hobby, so the bookcase and studying table fit her nicely as well.

Maybe one day I'll move her out and get her back for the other interior? Maybe I won't. In any case, here she is with her reading glasses. <3

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Hornsby's house is a mess. We're aware of that, and we are slowly fixing it up. He has already replaced the thrash bags that had been sitting in the corner for months with a cypress plant. One day, his house will have the most amazing furniture you've ever seen! Today we crafted a new table for his room. It was a team effort.


Maybe there will be a point in the future where I reach the same level of style as Eloise with her sunglasses. But honestly? I doubt it.

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In the basement of my representative's home is a room that serves as a small arcade. It's not much, honestly, it has a few arcade games and a small climbing wall that isn't in a safe spot at all. But trust me, it is the perfect spot to relax and play some games! It also has a bee theme. I have called it The Beesment. There is a wasp in the corner, because we do not allow their kind in here.

I will not apologise for art.

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This island may be remote, but it looks like it hasn't always been that way. Not only do the night owls on Narnia occasionally see ghosts at night, but there are also lots of relics to be found from times that are so long ago they are hard to even imagine. Usually we just take the ones we stumble across and sell those to the raccoons. But for the sake of understanding where we come from, sometimes further research is required.

Here I am making a hole that is way too big for a person to dig alone. I may be smiling for the photo but honestly, Blathers made me do it and it sucked the entire time. I'll make sure to bring him some more bugs once he wakes up tonight, really ruin the start of his 'day'.

I am SO not filling this back up.

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Alright, today was a good day for Isabelle! At the bottom right corner of the island we used to have a weed farm, because Tom Nook wants us to sell 2000 weeds. But at the same time, when I create a place specifically for weeds to grow, Isabelle says we have too many weeds on our island and suddenly it's my fault, not Tom's?? Being the representative sucks.


By only picking the short ones, I was able to get about 30 weeds per day, and after a long career as a farmer I finally hit the 2000 mark today. I can now have the island title combination "Wild - Child" instead of "Supernatural - Wild Child." I haven't made that choice yet... On top of that, it meant that I could finally tear this field apart! Goodbye weeds.


So what do we do with this unused space? I figured it was time to move Flora to a new spot. She used to live in the middle of the island, right next to resident services by the waterfall... It was a bit too foresty and not exactly ideal for such a tropical looking bird. I think that the thing I made below, near the beach, will fit her better! It'll take a while for the bushes to grow, but I hope it will look good once everything is in place.


Finally, here's a quick little map update. To spare you from a game of 'spot the difference': I added a few bits of path, I worked on the top right corner of the island to have ladderless access to the secret beach, and you can also see the disappearance of the weed farm in the bottom right corner. ^-^

(Old -> New)
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Alright, so early this week I received blueprints from Nook for a café which was to be built next to the river that runs behind the museum. It took way longer than it should have... Also I thought it said "bear" on the plans but apparently it was meant to have a "bar". Either Tom made a typing mistake or I read it wrong but that's not my fault! He should just have made it with pictures because I am not that great at reading.

Anyway, the "Pawsitive Vibes Café" is now open for business.


Next up: Recent exploration efforts have revealed a forested land that seems unlike anything we have seen before. Traces of frozen water have been detected all over the place. The locals appear primitive, yet friendly. The area itself feels oddly alive. I'm not entirely sure how we got there in the first place. Further investigation is required.


@Your Local Wild Child

Exploring is exhausting. Getting back home is the best. I had some pretty funny dreams after returning from the frozen forest. There was a monster with a weird nose that kept repeating a coded message: DA-7623-4042-1340. I've written it down. Wonder what it means.

It had to be done. I received a leaning tower from Gulliver and, inspired by the cliche holiday photo that everyone always takes with the real thing, I decided that I would use the empty field I have to the right of resident services to set up a bit of forced perspective. Even built a cliff to stand on and also removed some trees to make sure it looked just right.

The result is one of my new favourite photos! Greetings from Narnia, I suppose. ;)

It has been a while. I have a big backlog of things to show, but first of all I want to share the results of that construction I did three posts ago. Flora seems to like it!


Next up, the real reason for this journal entry! It is time that I mention our space program. The Narnian Space Administration (NARSA) may be called a huge waste of island funds by some, but trust me when I say that it is essential for the scientific and technological advancement of our island community. Here we see the progress on our year long research project that investigates the different kinds of star fragments!


There is a building visible on the left side of the picture above, which would be our very own space center. In the back we see one of our rockets sitting ready for launch, but we will not be going to space today - instead, just let me show you the lobby inside:


Meet Lucy, the first (and so far only) person to have reached Narnia through the closet in our entrance plaza and also the founder of this space program. She lives here at the space center, which comes with a mission control room, crew quarters, a laboratory, and an asset vault - none of which are in a state where I want to share them yet. I can, however, show you the rocket factory before we go!

We don't need to go to outer space to discover new things. In fact, the island itself is surrounded with fascinating things to find! The Narnia museum is actually mostly complete if we disregard the art section, and it has become a popular attraction to the locals. Here I am with Hornsby, looking together at one of my favourite fish in one of my favourite tanks. The napoleonfish is just too pretty!

in out.png

After being here since forever, Bianca moved. I'll miss her. But Fauna has arrived! Welcome to our new resident!​

Isabelle knows nothing about island design. She's lucky that the desk in resident services is somehow not climbable. I tried, but I suspect that it may have some kind of force field. She knows what she's doing. Anyways the trees had to go and now there is a big empty field on my island again! Which is obviously much more appealing than nature, isn't it Isabelle?




So much room to build now. I really need to start thinking of stuff to put there that will not upset this oppressive island council. At least nobody has complained about my pumpkin patch yet, so that one might be here to stay!


The house we can barely see in the corner of that photo belongs to Fauna, the latest arrival on Narnia. She has replaced Bianca, and is living in the exact spot where the white tiger's house used to be! I think she likes it. Here she is doing her morning warmup stretches in front of that house!


And here she is doing her midnight cooldown sittings in front of Roald's house! I think we have enough screenshots for a journal entry now, but speaking of Roald, you can expect some penguin pictures soon. 🐧

Roald Aurora.png
I did promise that there would be penguins! I have two of them on my island. If we don't count those who were there at the start then Aurora was the first villager ever to move to Narnia, and Roald followed not long after. They have been neighbours ever since! They live right at the entrance of the island (the rocks in the bottom left of the image are part of the airport) and while I plan to work on this area soon, I obviously won't be moving them apart.

Aurora lives on the left. Roald on the right. It seems to me that they colour coded their houses, how practical!


They make such an awesome pair together. Here they are doing their airplanes on the plaza.


I see Aurora reading all the time. Both inside and outside, on chairs or on the ground, she and her books are inseparable. I still love the way she looks with those reading glasses.


As I found out recently, Roald sometimes takes a break from working out to read as well. I think he's just doing it to impress Aurora. It's cute though! I don't know what this bedtime story is about, but:

Alright, one more penguin photo for good measure! Here is Roald doing what he does best: lifting weights instead of pretending to read using a book that's clearly 80% pictures. I wouldn't be surprised if his motivations for doing it are still related to Aurora, though.


And here is the reason for this quick update: It's my boy Lyman's birthday! 🥳 Lyman was one of the two villagers that were here when my island was founded. He moved out for a little while so that he could redecorate, but now he's back and I think he'll be here for a while! Happy birthday, Lyman. 🎂


He told me his goal for this year was to do a billion squats. His 'legs will be so huge they'll each have their own government,' he said. I've done a bit of math and he'll have to do around 32 of them every second. I'm not sure how he's going to achieve that, but if anyone can pull it off it's him! Here he is taking a break to ponder his strategies.

Ideas Checklist.png
I like to streamline my work whenever I can. For example, our island improvement planning system involves as little paperwork as possible. A slightly more complex example: There is a Nook Mile goal for crafting 3000 tools. Which is incredibly dull, and yet I want it! The plan: Bamboo wall decorations make one item per bamboo. All I needed was a farm that gives me 120+ bamboo a day, and a lot of patience... I have the farm now so that's a start.



As you can see, the bamboo I harvest fall neatly in lines so I can pick it up & craft it very fast. The whole daily crafting ritual takes less than 30 minutes from buying flimsy axes to selling the last item. Luckily I'm able to do other things while repeatedly pressing A... Wish me luck :sleep:

I'm also going to share this excellent question that Aurora had for us today. Maybe it's the industrial size bamboo farm that you can see from your doorstep, Aurora? ;)


We can literally see the new bamboo forest from space. We went up to check, and also to try out this sweet new lunar lander. We got the blueprints from an owl on another island and obviously new spacecraft have to be launched as soon as possible!

This may be the moon, or it may be a test site. My suggestion: Use your imagination. 🌟


Isabelle says it's time for Halloween costumes! I believe her, I mean, she does make the rules. Look, she has the rulebook right there. I'd check that what she's saying is true, but it seems that her rulebook does not have any pictures, so.


That meant it was off to Ables for some help with the outfit. Obviously they are better at this whole dressing up thing than I am! It still took them a very long time to make the clothes fit and it was boring. I guess that's fair, it took way too long for me to decide what I wanted to be as well... Anyway. We're proud of the end result!


Every supervillain needs a superhero to be friends with, I suppose. Here's a photo of me and super-Lucy at sunset. Halloween night is going to be so much fun!


In other news, this haunted house has been spotted somewhere in a corner of the Narnia woods. It looks like Fauna discovered the place before I did! Hi, Fauna. I see you've made some friends. 👋


(Fauna is entirely fine, I promise. Look, here she is on the beach, and the fact that this image is below the other one proves that she is alright because this is definitely not a photo of her that I've taken a while ago.)

Bamboo stonks.png

Hi! I think it's time for another update. First of all, a few weeks ago I reached 3000 crafted furniture by crafting massive quantities of bamboo wall decorations. It unlocked the highest tier of the furniture crafting Nook Mile achievement, which means I won't need my bamboo farm for materials anymore! So I removed it all. Isabelle seems to be a tiny bit happier with me again.

I finally got around to decorating the area where Roald and Aurora live a little better. It involved moving Roald one tile over to fix some symmetry issues and replacing some ugly flowers with something nicer. Can we just appreciate ducks for a moment?



Also I managed to catch both of them being cute nearby (the tree on the right in this picture is on the left in the above). I was only trying to capture Aurora being audorable with a lollipop but then Roald wandered into frame and instead I ended up with this:


To the right of where these two live used to be the bamboo farm. Since the bamboo farm has been -deleted-, I was left with a lot of space! I decided to make a bit of an intersection. And this new intersection inspired me to build a diagonal bridge! It's the path that goes up. :D Both of these are still a work in progress, but I'll show a little bit now:




I'm trying really hard not to make this too long, but it was Lucy's birthday on the 14th! We can't just ignore that. Here's our local rocket scientist & space center CEO at her surprise birthday party. 🥳


Closing this one off with another map update, since it has changed a bit since the last one I posted. You may be able to tell how the areas in this post fit together, if you're into that sort of thing. (Old -> New)

Hi all, today I bring you a very important warning about the current situation on Narnia. It seems that the sun has given up on our lovely little island and now everything is dark, grey, and most of all dangerously cold.


I went to Aurora for advice and she suggested not wearing something made mostly of steel. I was skeptical but outnumbered so I had to try, and it totally works! She's a genius. How did she even figure that out?


Meanwhile, Lyman is having a hard time figuring out what snow even is. Where did it come from? Did the snow make it cold, or did the cold make the snow? And why is it snowing on what Nook promised us to be a tropical island? If you figure it out, we're expecting a report at the end of next week.


It looks like Aurora did start a trend with her layers and the thicker clothes. Hornsby and Eloise don't seem bothered at all, which is good! Stay warm out there. 😊
