If you returned to New Leaf after playing New Horizons, is there anything that surprised you?


old movie aficionado
Aug 30, 2018
Throwback Tickets
White Cosmos
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Cosmos
Red Candy
Pear (Fruit)
I've just returned to New Leaf and oh my goodness! It's fantastic!

I was completely obsessed with it in high school, but it was sort-a abandoned once New Horizons came out. It feels really nice to return to New Leaf after a long period. I've forgotten a lot about the game!

- Tortimer's Island! Oh my goodness -- the mini-games, the summery music, the nighttime bug hunting!
- The Music (that's all)
- Unlocking everything on main street. So many things to do and accomplish!
- The lack of options. I love this. You see those two shirts and two pairs of pants in the shop? Yep -- that's it. Just have to wait till tomorrow for something new to come along.
- And generally all of the different fruits!
- The emptiness. The town is empty with only a few buildings and some villagers. Every day at the beginning of the game a new villager is moving in to populate the place a bit.
- The waiting. You can only do your hair once a day. You can only work on one project at a time. Patience is key, and sometimes only five or ten minutes in the evening is enough to complete everything you want to.

When I returned to New Leaf I thought I would miss the features in New Horizons, but I find I really enjoy the lack of them.

- No nook miles. I started fishing and missed catching one. No instant regret that my perfect fishing nook miles streak was reset... It's relaxing.
- No outdoor furniture, but rather, public work projects! This fits New Leaf. Who wants a mayor who plops furniture throughout their whole town?
- No picking up trees! This is something I just completely forgot about haha, but again, I feel like New Leaf feels a bit more real on that front. It's just a little town full of little animals that cannot take a sip of coffee and stuff a whole tree in their pockets.
- Absolutely no control of your villagers. If an ugly villager wants to put their house directly in front of that bridge you just built -- they just do.
- I also really like how villagers decide to move out on a specific day, usually telling you about it -- but not always!

If you returned to New Leaf after playing New Horizons, is there anything that surprised you?
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The lack of high quality furniture.

Though, I understand bc New Leaf is a tad dated.
There is alot that initially surprised me but I honestly never really stopped playing New Leaf. I stopped for maybe a month or two but I will always love New Leaf and played it sooo much back in the day, I am still so close to getting all gold badges!

The music was definitely the biggest part, I love the piano used in ACNL so much and it fits the game so well! New Horizons has the cutest tropical music though 💚

The lack of high quality furniture.

Though, I understand bc New Leaf is a tad dated.
I have always felt the opposite! New Horizons has some really beautiful designs but New Leaf has way more variety, actual home decor, and more customization options imo! It might just be because I never completed ACNH’s catalog-
Other than the town customisation, I prefer NL in every other way. The music is sooo much better. I adore that my tools don’t break. I love the NPCs. I love that my villagers actually interact with me verse just looking like set dressings. I love all the different furniture sets. If I could only keep one game, it would be NL.
I just got back into NL after a long hiatus and I am enjoying it very much! One thing that surprised me was running and forgetting that it kills the flowers haha
I agree with everything you said. In particular “the music” came to mind first before I even read that you wrote it 😂 in a weird way I wouldn’t mind less control like in new leaf for the next game
Like most everyone, the music for sure. New Leaf music hits differently. Also the fact that running permanently kills the flowers and can cause grass deterioration.

This might just be a me thing, but a sense of homeliness with New Leaf. I immediately feel right at home, whereas in NH I feel like I am on a distant vacation/a being with the power to alter the world with my own two hands.
That I can put my flowers into my storage!! Why this was a change, I do not know.
I can sit on rocks. Understandably, probably not comfortable but still?